I am new to your group and have alot of weight to lose.

Would lifting weights be beneficial to me if I have a lot of weight to lose or should I start lifting closer to goal weight ?


  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    The general response I've seen around the site is that it's better to lift sooner as opposed to later.

    Basics behind it are: While losing weight, lifting helps maintain current muscle. The goal is to lose mostly fat and retain as much of the current muscle (lean body mass) your body already carries.

    I'm focused on eating at a deficit and going through Stronglifts (so lift 3 times a week with light cardio after to increase steps for the day) and do an occasional cardio day when I fit it in my schedule as I have other fitness goals I'm working slowly towards as well. I'm still "obese" for my height even after losing 30 lbs since the end of August. Lifting with a lot of weight left hasn't hindered me much at all except it gets harder to increase the weight at a certain point while on a calorie deficit. Even then, each person will vary to a degree. I haven't stalled on squats just yet, but I have slowed on bench and, of course, overhead press. But I like lifting so it wasn't much of a question of when for me as I enjoy doing it either way.

    Summary: Yes, you can lift now. :smile:
  • Nayners21
    Nayners21 Posts: 76 Member
    YES YES YES!!!! I started my journey with approximately 70-80 pounds to lose. I lost 15 pounds right off the bat following Weight Watchers. I bought myself a personal trainer who taught me how to work out. We did a WHOLE MESS OF WEIGHT LIFTING. I lost another 35 pounds within that 4-6 months I trained. Best decision you will ever make to left weights. TRUST ME. The amount of change my body has undergone in lifting alone has made a tremendous difference on my outlook to this weight loss journey. I will tell you though, eating at a severe calorie deficit will not be beneficial in the long run. I also recommend following the Eat More 2 Weigh Less group on here. (EM2WL). Look them up, watch their videos. Great insight to how eating too less will haunt you in the long run.