What I wanted in 2014. What I want in 2015.



  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    2015 goals:

    Meet goal #2, which is 145 lbs. I'm about 4 lbs away from my Christmas Day new low of 149. I'm up right now from indulging over Christmas and the weekend, but it's water weight and glycogen stores. I am pretty sure it's not real weight gain.

    Meet goal #3, which is to drop to 22% bodyfat, no matter what I weigh. Basically, a recomp.

    Lift weights more often. I want to be stronger.

    Move into maintenance mode once I reach my weight loss/fat loss goals.

    Donate 12+ inches of hair to Wigs for Kids.

    I'm sure there are others that I just can't think of right now, but it's good to write them down. Good thread, frob23.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'd like to add my .02 on alcohol. I enjoy white wine. The variety I drink has 3 carbs per 5 ounces. I typically drink anywhere from 0 glasses to 3 glasses per night. I am very good at not "cheating" with my wine. I will have a slice of cheese, nuts and sometimes 1 small slice of pickle. I feel more intoxicated with small amounts of wine now that when I wasn't keto. Also, anymore than 3 glasses and I get an annoying hangover which wasn't true pre keto. Does this affect my weight loss? Maybe.

    I am planning to go very strict in January, which means no wine. I'm expecting the weight loss will probably improve without the alcohol.

    I love my wine too. While I'm not low carb (in the strict sense, just lower than the SAD)...my goal for 2015 is less weekday wine. :smile:
    I'm planning on ONE glass a night max on week days, and a bit more on weekends. Once "school" starts (I'm a prof). cheers! :drinker:
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Baconsalve you have done an amazing job of changing your WOE and losing so much weight. Especially setting a good example for your kids and also considering their futures to have you in it with out worry. I worry about my half brother and nephew and half sister. All suffering diabetes.

    WOW 72 pounds gone!!! You are my inspiration. Gives me hope to be able to shed the next 60 in 2015. And then consider how much further I need to go.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Baconsalve you have done an amazing job of changing your WOE and losing so much weight. Especially setting a good example for your kids and also considering their futures to have you in it with out worry. I worry about my half brother and nephew and half sister. All suffering diabetes.

    WOW 72 pounds gone!!! You are my inspiration. Gives me hope to be able to shed the next 60 in 2015. And then consider how much further I need to go.

    It is doable. Perseverance, determination, consistency, and time.

    My sister is headed on that path. She has gained so much weight and is bullheaded. :disappointed: But she has to be ready to do this for herself.

    Best wishes. You CAN do this! I know people who have lost hundreds of pounds. Patience stinks. Mine is being tested right now. It isn't going to be easy at times. But it's worth it.The effort is worth it. The health is worth it.

    Here's to many many losses in 2015. drinker-38eddbf23b26ba9b302d4fa0ff6bb546.gif
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    My sister is headed on that path. She has gained so much weight and is bullheaded. :disappointed: But she has to be ready to do this for herself.

    This is the hardest thing for me. My wife would likely benefit immensely from low-carb. For all the trouble I have with carbs, she probably has 10 times the trouble. But, she can't give them up. It's a hard addiction to beat. I can't make her give them up. She has to be ready.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    frob23 wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »
    My sister is headed on that path. She has gained so much weight and is bullheaded. :disappointed: But she has to be ready to do this for herself.

    This is the hardest thing for me. My wife would likely benefit immensely from low-carb. For all the trouble I have with carbs, she probably has 10 times the trouble. But, she can't give them up. It's a hard addiction to beat. I can't make her give them up. She has to be ready.

    My husband was after me for 14 years to lose weight. I finally figured things out. After many failed attempts and many regains. Of course in my circumstance, my husband is still a carbivore and has only ever briefly been a little overweight. I had to discover the carb connection on my own. At least she does have you as an example. If I had had that influence, I might not have taken as long.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Carbs are so dang addictive. This is why I am staying away from what I consider the mainline carbs, the carbs that get to your blood fast, and sticking to my lower carb veggies.

    My hubby is taking interest in my WOE. I do not think it would work for him even if it would be good for him because of the high fat content. He has no gallbladder and considering the surgery he has had we need to be very careful of pancreatitis. The hardest part is you have to pretty much go all or nothing on this WOE or it can cause worse problems. So I have been cooking for him differently for the last two years and it finally dawned on me why NOT make my meals LC instead of just eating whatever. Many of the things he requested to eat was not some thing I liked to eat anyway. So nothing has changed much here I am just cooking my meals LCHF.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I ended up doing keto on June 1st after watching my diabetic mother struggle, bed-ridden and ill in the hospital for 4 months due to complications from diabetes. It really hit home that at 102lb overweight and gaining, I was on the same path. A path where my children would worry when the next time I would be in the hospital and if I would make it out. A path where my husband would have to be my personal caretaker/servant and change my diapers. HELL NO was I going to keep going there after my nose was rubbed in that.

    This year I have managed to lose 72lbs. I'm healthier than I have been since my freshman year in college. I'm in decent shape and getting better all the time. I feel so much better.

    In 2015, I'd like to knock off the last 30lbs and stay in shape. I'm hoping my habits will be an inspiration to others in my family and life and will rub off on them. But mostly I hope to enter a lifelong maintenance phase in about 6 months. I want to be a good example for all my children. And not have my quality of life hampered ever again by something as preventable as obesity.

    baconslave is an awesome post on all points.

    The wife is starting to eat low carb when we eat out by asking me to order her what I get. The 17 year old son and daughter are big into carbs and junk food but I notice the daughter has reduced her junk food intake a bit.

    When I get my diet tweaked to manage my pain I want to get it written out for the family. More of a frame work for LCHF than what specific foods to eat so I can pass that down. Digging deep now to learn when nutritional ketosis may be helpful or harmful in the case cancer shows up in my house.

    Keep up the good work. Your sister may take note one day. I have told the kids I would like for them to become more aware of diet concerns but that it will only happen when they wish to do so.

  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I ended up doing keto on June 1st after watching my diabetic mother struggle, bed-ridden and ill in the hospital for 4 months due to complications from diabetes. It really hit home that at 102lb overweight and gaining, I was on the same path. A path where my children would worry when the next time I would be in the hospital and if I would make it out. A path where my husband would have to be my personal caretaker/servant and change my diapers. HELL NO was I going to keep going there after my nose was rubbed in that.

    This year I have managed to lose 72lbs. I'm healthier than I have been since my freshman year in college. I'm in decent shape and getting better all the time. I feel so much better.

    In 2015, I'd like to knock off the last 30lbs and stay in shape. I'm hoping my habits will be an inspiration to others in my family and life and will rub off on them. But mostly I hope to enter a lifelong maintenance phase in about 6 months. I want to be a good example for all my children. And not have my quality of life hampered ever again by something as preventable as obesity.

    baconslave is an awesome post on all points.

    The wife is starting to eat low carb when we eat out by asking me to order her what I get. The 17 year old son and daughter are big into carbs and junk food but I notice the daughter has reduced her junk food intake a bit.

    When I get my diet tweaked to manage my pain I want to get it written out for the family. More of a frame work for LCHF than what specific foods to eat so I can pass that down. Digging deep now to learn when nutritional ketosis may be helpful or harmful in the case cancer shows up in my house.

    Keep up the good work. Your sister may take note one day. I have told the kids I would like for them to become more aware of diet concerns but that it will only happen when they wish to do so.

    When you do ("...get it written out..."), I'd urge you as strongly as I possibly can, to at least consider posting it here on the Group as a new topic post.

    Not only am I sure that many others would benefit from you making it available, I also think it might be the impetus for a new topic on recently inaugurated LCD "Launch Pad" reference library that could be supplemented with similar "menus" others might produce.

    I've little doubt that yours (and others) might be subject to scrutiny by members (both positive and negative), and that, in itself, could be the "spark" of very interesting debate and exposure to points of view some may never have considered. (A "good" thing to my way of thinking).

    Interesting how your individual (familial) circumstances are almost the direct opposite of mine.

    My bride and I started LCHF together, and quite frankly I seriously doubt if not for her support, I ever would have been able to sustain but together we have.

    Our Son (now 25) put us to shame with both his diet and exercise and rather than us setting the example for him, he did for us.

    Regardless of how we each get there, it's much more important "that" we do, than "how" we do.

  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    I don't have anything to add but felt compelled to say that I've enjoyed this thread so much. It's informative, it's motivating and I've reading the differing ways that people have approached incorporating low carbing into their lives.

    Thank you all.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Here we go folks. Time to get focused on those goals.
  • jwins3290
    jwins3290 Posts: 41 Member
    Ditto. Great thread!