New Aussie in the Group

Hi everyone

My name is Mel I have been using MFP for some time now on and off with my trainer, I have lost 25kgs and would like to lose another 20-25kgs, Im a mum of 2 gorgeous girls and want to show them that we can achieve what ever they like in life.


  • Fair play to you.
    I'm new to posting too, I've lost 15lbs since starting and it's great. I've another 14lbs to go.
    Best of luck
  • KFraz02
    KFraz02 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi. I am new to this group as well. I am 46 from the U.S.
  • natashajf
    natashajf Posts: 35 Member
    25kg lost, awesome. Thats where I hope to be by mid 2015! Im another Aussie who made a commitment to myself 2 days after my 42nd bday. I know its going to be hard but I have to do it, I cant keep living an unhealthy life.
  • yes it will be hard Natasha but it takes time.... Hello everyone else, I have just started using my fit bit
  • nzMattO
    nzMattO Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, 25kg lost. I've been there and know what that feels like. Keep up the great work and your daughters will definitely learn about strength and perseverance. Get addicted to the fitbit, set yourself daily step goals and go out and smashem. Looking forward to hearing how you proceed. Enjoy Summer! (and here's hoping you're well away from the fires!)
  • Shazie1966
    Shazie1966 Posts: 4 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. My name is Sharen from Sydney Australia. I need to lose 25 -30 kilos by 5th June. All the encouragement and help would be appreciated. I have a Vivofit that I will start using tomorrow along with watching my food intake. I WILL lose it :smile:
  • Hi Sharen, I'm Nerida from Albury, have been a yoyo dieter for years. Im 45 and been too focused on my weight (30+kgs overweight) im now focusing in my health. Bought a nutribullet and started swimming. Ive got a 9 & 10 yr old who need a healthier mum... if you need a chat im here. Good luck xx