A few questions for clean eaters

fitmek Posts: 277 Member
When it comes to meat, would you consider frozen chicken and turkey to be "clean"? Or, should it be in the meat case labeled grass fed, free range organic? Is there a such thing as frozen chicken or turkey with no hormones or antibiotics?

What kind of baking sugar is best to use? I've heard honey really isn't any better than regular sugar because it still is loaded with sugar. Do you have a brand of stevia that is best to bake with?

I know a lot of people who buy tomatoes and other veggies in cans. I always buy the organic brand to hopefully avoid the BPA lining --but am I just wasting my money on that, or is there really something to it?

Thanks all!


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    My naturopath said to use Coconut sugar - it is less processed she says.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    When you talk about "frozen" meat, are you referring to in a box? Where I live, that stuff is always processed and more expensive, so I would never even consider buying it. But that's just me (and doesn't answer your question - sorry).

    Sugar - I try to avoid sugar in general (except for fresh fruit) because I am a sugar monster and can't help myself. But, when I do bake, I use coconut sugar or maple syrup, depending on what the recipe calls for. These were suggested by my naturopath. But I really only bake on special occasions - it's not an every day thing for me.

    Canned products - if I'm in buying beans or lentils and don't have time to use the dried kind, then I will purchase organic, hopefully to avoid the BPA lining. In terms of tomatoes, as I understand it, there is something about the tomatoes and cans that still cause BPA to seep in somehow - you might want to research this further since I do not know the specifics, nor do I claim to be an expert. For tomatoes, if I'm not using fresh, then I always buy in a jar.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    thanks all! I've never thought about using coconut sugar. I'll have to look into that! Would this be the flaked coconut powder (it looks mostly like powder) in the organic section I've seen?
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    No, it is actually called coconut sugar. It looks like brown sugar. "Flaked coconut powder" that looks like powder is, I am assuming, coconut flour. Unless the "flakes" are bigger - in which case it's probably coconut flakes.
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 235 Member
    Commercial production VS organic, free range, pasture fed chicken .... we use free range (when they get hit by cars or need culling) otherwise commercial for us as organic is ridiculously expensive. Cook on rack, drain juices & don't eat skin.

    Xylitol tastes great, can use raw, for baking or cooking. Claims made for product in clinical studies improving dental health

    Commercial foods are grown with pesticides & herbicides. These accumulate in fat & organs causing dis-ease.