How big/small is your baby?



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    It's so nice to hear other people talk about how big/small their babies are. My son was 10lbs 3oz when he was born and the nutritionist at the WIC office just kept asking "Did you have gestational diabetes? Are you sure?!" >.< No woman, I just made a giant child. He's 3 months and weighs ~20lbs and is a little over 24in

    People keep harassing me about how big my 5 month old is. He's now over 20 lbs and in the 9/12 month sizes and size 4 diapers.

    I just want to yell, 'He's fine! I make big boys!" LOL

    People always think my older son is older than he is. We recently went to the Serpentarium where kids 2 and under are free. The lady looked at us suspiciously when she asked how old he was and we said two and a half, like we were trying to get out of paying admission.

    I think he was also in size 4 diapers by 6 months old. It's becoming a problem now because diapers only go so big, and he's not interested in potty training yet. (His preschool school year begins in a month, at which point it will be introduced/encouraged.)

    Big babies means they're eating well, which is good. Heavy babies do not necessarily mean heavy kids and heavy adults.

    Also, that comment about GD to the other poster was rude! Not that she suggested the mom may have had it but the "Are you sure?" part!
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    It's so nice to hear other people talk about how big/small their babies are. My son was 10lbs 3oz when he was born and the nutritionist at the WIC office just kept asking "Did you have gestational diabetes? Are you sure?!" >.< No woman, I just made a giant child. He's 3 months and weighs ~20lbs and is a little over 24in

    I was asked this too whenever my son was 10 pounds at 3 weeks old. He was born 8 lbs 5 oz so he wasn't too big. I think 2 people (both nurses) asked me if I had gestational diabetes because he was "so big" People are stupid lol
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    Benjamin is 2 months old and weighed 10lbs11oz Monday and was 21.75" we had a set back breastfeeding for a couple of weeks and he lost well over a lb!! Hes getting his chunk though now lol he eats like a piggy
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    My older son weighed 7lbs 3 oz at birth (38w5d) and was over 20lbs at six months old. Now he's 2.5 and between 32 and 35 lbs, which isn't big or small for his age. He's very tall, though, so he's always had to wear bigger clothes than his age would suggest. Long pants are a pain because pants that fit him at the waist are too short, and vice versa. Thankfully we live where shorts are appropriate for most of the year, which is good because they are more forgiving, length-wise.

    My younger son will be 6 weeks old tomorrow. He weighed 8lbs 4oz at birth (39w4d) and, when I weighed him on my home scale yesterday morning, weighed 11.8 lbs. He is also on the long side. Based on his brother's growth as an infant and my/my husband's genes, I'm guessing we will have another tall boy on our hands!

    My older son was mostly formula-fed (my supply was horrible) in the beginning and went all-formula at 3 months old. My younger son is exclusively breast fed. However both ate/eat a LOT. I don't think that in their cases formula or breast milk will make the difference in how big/heavy they are. I grow 'em big, I guess!
    my 2.5 yo daughter weighed 32lbs Monday at wic they said she was perfect :)
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    Had my son's 4 month appointment today. He was 18 lb 4 oz and 26.25 inches long. 95th percentile for both. Big guy for sure!