Anyone redoubling their efforts for the New Year?

meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
I'm starting afresh tomorrow! I'm almost 3 months PP, so I feel in a better place to get consistent. This is my first baby (out of 3) that isn't sleeping through the night yet, which is sort of a bummer. But she sleeps in our room, so thats probably why. (There isn't anywhere else to put her unfortunately). I know lack of good sleep has played a pretty big role in my lack of energy since having her. But I also usually stay up too late to have kid-free time, so I'm going to be going to bed much earlier. Fitness is going to have to be a top priority from now on b/c I can't handle being at this weight. I've never weighed this much without being at the end of a pregnancy and it just sucks!

Anywho, if we aren't friends yet, go ahead and add me and we can cheer each other on! :)

Also, what are your goals/plans for the New Year?


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've been pretty consistent with exercise and healthy eating since my baby (also my third) was 6.5 weeks old, but I still have a way to go. So I will somehow have to increase my efforts...not sure how really.

    Going to bed earlier is a good idea. I stay up too to get that 'me' time when I should just go to sleep. My baby is 8 months tomorrow and still wakes twice a night, sometimes more. My other two were the same. She's still in our room, and like you, we have nowhere else for her until we move.

  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    I need to get back into healthy just hit me this week that my DD is almost 9 months old...that means she's been out almost as long as she was in and that the 1 year goal that I gave myself to lose the babyweight is imminent and I have not lost anything since June!!! (Well I have, but then I gained and then holidays). So from now till April I plan on trying to eat better and get out more. I know what you mean about the sleep, my girl still gets up twice a night and my almost 4 year old still gets up 1-2 times a night at least once a week....I always tell myself I am going to go to bed after putting them to bed, but I can't seem to do it when that's the ONLY child free time I have all day!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Seems like we're all similar in the going to bed thing! It's been Christmas holidays and my 5 and 3 year old have been staying up really late, until 10pm sometimes, so I've had no break at all. Last night my baby was up from around 1am until 4am. She just wouldn't settle, and then she puked. I was getting back to sleep and my 3 year old came in to use the loo, then she wanted a drink. Then later she woke me up as her duvet had fallen off. Sigh. I still got up to do my 9:45am class though.

    They're back to school and nursery Tues, so things might get back to normal.
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    New years made me realize only 2 months till baby turns 1 and I REALLY should be at least back to pre pregnancy by then. So I've been stepping it up since the 1st. About 6 weeks and 7 lbs left!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    As sad as this might sound, it is so nice to hear that others with babies the same age as mine are still getting up at night with their babies. My daughter slept 8hours straight at 6 weeks old and never gets up in the night unless she is sick or something. My little guy - 7 months old now and still gets up at least twice every night! Gah! lol

    I never made any New Year's resolutions or anything but I had told myself '9 months on, 9 months off' and made a goal to be back to prepregnancy by 9 months pp and that is like 6 weeks away now and I have 14lbs to go so that isn't likely to happen. But, I definitely think I could do it by the time he is 1yr.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My daughter will be 9 months on Sunday so that gives me 3 months until she turns 1. I don't think I'll be at pre-pregnancy weight then to be honest, but I'll hopefully be able to fit nicely into some of my old jeans, and by the Summer I'll definitely be in my sundresses.

    We've had some terrible nights lately thanks to teething. Wed night she was up til 3am and then woke 2 hours later for milk!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    As far as the sleep thing goes, I've decided to co-sleep with this one. With my first two, they were sleeping through the night by 2 months. This one doesn't and if I get up and nurse her and put her back in her crib, she will keep waking up every couple of hours all night. If I just take her in bed with me, she sleeps pretty soundly. She does wake to eat, but since I'm right there, I pretty much latch her on and fall back asleep. I can't even remember what a full night of sleep is like! LOL

    I haven't been going to bed earlier regularly, but I actually did last night and feel SO much better I should probably start doing that again! lol

    At this point, I have 30lbs left to pre-pregnancy and hope to reach it within the next 5 months. I got a great head start this past month, losing 14lbs, but I know its unrealistic to continue losing at that rate. Hopefully I can average 6 lbs a month, though, with exercise!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have put Zoë in our bed a few times, but she has a tendency to puke at the moment, and it's far easier to change her bed in the middle of the night than ours.

    Unfortunately I'm not breastfeeding now as she lost too much weight in the beginning so I had to supplement with formula and now she's only on formula. I did feed her in bed until she was 3 months, and that was definitely easier.

    My 5 year old has been difficult at bedtime and has been up past 10pm sometimes, so bang goes any chance of an early night.

    I've got about 30lbs to go too. Getting so impatient!