Share your success stories!

swwillis Posts: 14 Member
Hi all!
I am not new to MFP but I have sort of a "on again off again" relationship with logging in. I have noticed that when I read success stories and see the before and after pics it motivates me to keep working towards my goal. I would love to see and hear the success stories from the "sistas" in this group! Please share! Oh, I am also looking for some friends so please consider me! I could use the support! Thanks


  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member

    I agree seeing success stories that we can relate to would be motivating.

    Here's my story. I started in July 2013 at 5'2" and 244 pounds. This picture shows a before and current, I am 148 in the red.

    I started by joining a gym and working out 4 days a week for 30 minutes - 15 on the stationary bike and 15 on the elliptical. I tried to focus the changes in my diet as things I could live with long term, the things I gave up were mostly processed foods. I cook and discovered that I really prefer my own cooking.

    This picture is a comparison from a time when I just really felt that I was not losing any weight - those picture are really important, even when we really don't want to take them they are our best motivators. The difference was from Feb to July and about 14 pounds that I couldn't see until I compared the photos.


    My goal weight is 144, currently I am about 148 and though I have come a long way from size 20/22 to 2/4 I still battle with accepting my thighs - when I see pictures of myself all I see are thighs :)


    My initial goal was to get off high blood pressure meds at about 175, I then changed that to 150 and then to 144 just to round out the loss to 100. I honestly thought at 150 I would be about a size 10/12 - oh well! I would like to stay around a size 4 and build some strength. That's is what I am working on now and though I have lost some inches I haven't lost a pound in a while and that irks me!

    I would suggest take your time, make changes that work for you, learn portion control over anything else and just remember you did not gain weight overnight and it's stubborn it won't leave without a fight.
  • swwillis
    swwillis Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you so much for posting your success pictures and sharing your insight! I don't see "thighs"! I see a tiny waist, a collar bone and a fit person! You look great and I bet a size 4 feels a whole lot better than a size 10/12! Lol!
  • lokey93
    lokey93 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for your post it was so motivating.
  • Samina1215
    Samina1215 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'2 as well and at 236 lbs with a goal weight of 125. I have so far to go but this was inspiring thanks for sharing ;o)
  • sistatv
    sistatv Posts: 53 Member
    YOU LOOK AMAZING!!! Girl your thighs are fantastic!! You are an amazing inspiration and should be so proud of what you did!! I am proud of you and so motivated by you!
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    Fantastic progress! I agree that pictures are very important. There are times when you'll feel like you haven't lost a pound or made any progress, but the photos will tell you otherwise.
  • deonnegrantwelsh
    You look amazing well done