2015 Monthly Measurements



  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    Okay, it's a new month and time to check in! I'm fairly pleased with my stats this month.

    The %BF change really surprised me. I don't think any of the numbers are accurate but am glad the trend is down. I am going to try and find a centre to do a Dexa Scan this year.

    Hips are decreasing slightly, upper body is slightly increasing. So far so good with becoming less of a pear. What really struck me in reviewing these numbers is that although I have seen progress in all other lifts, my OHP has actually gone backwards. Okay, time to change that this month!

    @Sumiblue and @Crabada - your losses for this month are amazing!! :)


    I see I haven't included my height. For reference I am 5' 7".

    Happy February Everyone <3
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Okay, so I retook the very disappointing measurements this AM and they're not as bad now. I must've been bloated from water, exercise and whatnot yesterday. Although the previous week's were also higher, and so were the ones before... So the trend has been weird. I have progress pics in process of maybe being edited, so we'll see if pictures tell a better story! lol.


    Calves are weird because it's really hard to always get the same spot. Especially mine, they're like hams. I really wish I'd lost some at the hips though, since that's where I have the most to lose, but hey, it'll come, right?
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    Here goes:

    Height-5' 2"

    Rib cage-32"
    Bicep -12"
    Waist (at narrowest point)-30"
    Waist (at belly button)-32"
    Hips-40 (ugh!)
    Thigh -22"
    Calf -13"

    Body Fat %?? No idea, I can't get an accurate caliper reading by myself. I'd guess it's about 25%

    February 1

    Bust-35 (+1")
    Rib cage-31 (-1")
    Waist at narrowest-29"
    Waist at belly button-31"(-1")
    Hips-39.5 (-1")
    Thigh-21.5" (-.5")
    Calf-13.5 (+ .5)

    Total inches lost-2

    Weight-135 (-2lbs)
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'd like to know how I increased my bust but lost in my ribcage measurement? I suspect faulty measuring. But, hey, I can use the extra inch in my bust
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    @Krok -- I'm not sure how to read your chart. Is "Current" as of today? What is "Final"? Just want to make sure I'm understanding things.

    @Sumi -- Could just be weird hormones with the bust increase. My boobs were randomly enormous for about three weeks last month. But I'm with you -- I'd like that measurement to stay exactly the same and for everything else to shrink. :)

    Great job, Gals!

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    crabada wrote: »
    @Krok -- I'm not sure how to read your chart. Is "Current" as of today? What is "Final"? Just want to make sure I'm understanding things.

    Current was the measurements at the beginning of the month. I guess I could've used a better term. It was current the first time around! lol. Shoulda been Start.

    Start, goal, final (and the last column on the right is how far from goal the final measurement is)
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Took my measurements on Saturday.

    Current measurements (difference)
    Neck: 12.5 (0)
    Bust: 34 (-1)
    Bicep: 13 (0)
    Forearm: 10.25 (0)
    Waist (at narrowest point): 27.5 (-0.25)
    Waist (at belly button): 30 (-0.5)
    Hips: 41.75 (-0.25)
    Thigh: 22.5 (-0.5)
    Calf: 15 (0)
    Total inches: 267.25
    Total inches lost / gained: loss of 2.5" total

    Weight: 180.4
    Body Fat %: (using last bodpod reading) 28.7
    BMI: 27.4

    I'm actually kind of bummed that the place I lost the most was in my chest. Le sigh. All the pushups and bench press are obviously working (even if I don't notice it until I take measurements).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Measurement time. Just a couple days later than my normal but had to get batteries for scale and such.

    Height: 4' 11.5"
    Waist: 44"
    Chest: 42"
    Hips: 42.5"
    Arm: 13"
    Leg: 22"

    Weight: 174
    Bodyfat: 39.5% (same as before, won't remeasure every month)
    BMI: 34 (based on weight and site calculation)

    Not bad overall. Lost a couple of inches since last month and 3 lbs. Progress that is slow and steady works for me. Plus, my coworkers comment often as they seem to notice the changes long before I do.
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Just came across this thread and thought I'd join in to keep track of progress. I actually haven't done measurements since 10/18/14, but I'll go ahead and start with those. I plan to measure this weekend for an update.

    Waist: 36.25
    Waist at smallest: 33.25
    Hips: 43.5
    Thighs: 26.25
    Arms: 13.25 (really want this to go down!)
    Calves: 16.25
    Chest: 37 (I can't afford to lose any more here :wink: )

    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight: 172 lbs. (from 10/18/14)
    BMI: 30.5
    Body fat %: ??

    Yes, I'm a pear.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Great idea @crabada‌!

    Ok, here goes…missed February check-in so next will be March.

    As of Jan 18 (+/- from Sept 25, 2013)
    Scale Weight: +13
    Waist: +1.5
    Hips: +1.5
    BF%: +5.8
    BMI: +2.2
    Stomach: +3
    Left Thigh: +1

    I was only taking measurements of my problem areas. 2013 was the last time I took measurements and wanted a comparison for myself and a starting point to move forward. The largest increase was my stomach and knew that from the way my clothes fit (up 2 sizes). Gained everywhere but, of course, never did gain back the cup size I lost [huge sigh]!
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    January 1-March1

    Neck-12 (-50")
    Bust-35.5 (+1.50")
    Rib cage-32" (No change)
    Bicep-12.25 (+.25" flexed)
    Waist at narrowest-28.5" (-1.50")
    Waist at belly button-30.50" (-1.50")
    Hips-39.5" (-50")
    Thigh-22" (No change)
    Calf-13.75 (+ .75")

    Total inches (-)4 inches & (+) 2.5= net loss of 1.5 inches

    Weight-131.8 lbs (-3.2lbs)

    This is very interesting.I freaked out around Feb 19 because My measurements & weight all were up, as some of you know. Seems like since January I have gained some muscle. I can see that my quads are more muscular (they don't jiggle!) I can also see that I've lost some fat off my stomach. The number loss isn't dramatic but I like where I'm losing and where I'm gaining.I ate a little bit more and worked out diligently and I'm happy with my numbers. Guess I should wait until the first of the month to measure! I'm really kind of wishing I'd taken some "before" pictures, even as awful as they would be.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    Congrats @Sumiblue‌! Gaining and losing in all the right places!
    I'm really liking those spreadsheets, giving me some ideas...
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Took my measurements on Saturday.

    Current measurements (difference)
    Neck: 12.5 (0)
    Bust: 34 (0)
    Bicep: 13 (0)
    Forearm: 10.25 (0)
    Waist (at narrowest point): 27.5 (0)
    Waist (at belly button): 30 (0)
    Hips: 41.5 (-0.25)
    Thigh: 23 (+0.5)
    Calf: 15 (0)
    Total inches: 268
    Total inches lost / gained: gain of 0.75" total

    Weight: 178.4
    Body Fat %: (using last bodpod reading) 28.7
    Body Fat %: (using calculations) 26.1
    BMI: 27.1

    I'm happy to see that my hips went down, but my thighs came right back to what they were in January. Oh well. I also took 6 month progress pics. I didn't really see a difference, but two of my workout friends, who I shared the pics with, said that I looked slimmer in a couple different areas (arms, waist, and upper thighs). I guess I'll take that as a victory!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    Did measurements on Sunday for the first time in about 3 months, so all these numbers are differences from 10/18/14 to 3/2/15:

    Waist: 34 (-2.25)
    Waist at smallest: 32 (-1.25)
    Hips: 41 (-2.5)
    Thighs: 25.5 (-.75)
    Arms: 13.25 (same, ugh!)
    Calves: 16.25 (same, eh no big deal)
    Chest: 36.5 (-0.5)

    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight: 161 lbs. (-11 lbs since 10/18/14)
    BMI: 28.5
    Body fat %: ??
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Wow, I haven't measured in a while and I only check the scale once per month to make sure not gaining, but I decided to do a measurement, I will put last time I measured if I measured it, which was a couple of months ago.

    neck, 12.5, same
    chest, 36.5, up from 36
    waist, 29, down from 29.5
    navel, 33.25 down from 35
    hips, 37.5 up from 37
    thighs, upper left and right 22.5
    thighs, lower left 18.8, lower right 18.9
    calves, 14, up from 13
    upper arms flexed, 12.6 left, 12.8 right (don't have comparison)
    upper arms not flexed, 11.2 right 11.4 left (don't have comparison)
    forearms 8.5, up from 8
    wrists, 6 down from 6.5

  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    I have to remember to take my measurements tonight!!!
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    No pounds lost but a bit down in measurements...

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Bit late to this party for March, I actually didn't do any measurements last week but I averaged out with what I got today to complete the "month". Glad to see my spreadsheet has inspired some of you guys, too! ^^


    So in my case it's been fairly the same all month. I re-gained and re-lost the weight from the first week of the shred over the past 2 weeks. Given how I've been eating it's not surprising. But unlike the past 3 years where February had been downright disastrous, I kept on track fairly okay! (Also, considering I'm starting my period within the next day unless my body does a weirdo, I'm also currently holding a lot of water weight which is skewing everything upwards)

    Here's to an awesome March! A March towards better bodies =D *badpun tss*
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Height: 4' 11.5"
    Waist: 43.5"
    Chest: 40"
    Hips: 42"
    Arm: 13"
    Leg: 22"

    Weight: 166
    Bodyfat: 37.9% (dropped a little though just using the handheld thing at gym)
    BMI: 32.4 (based on weight and site calculation)

    Not too bad this month. Weight is actually going down a little more than expected since last time I measured I was about 8 lbs heavier. And I changed my goal to 1 per week. I will watch and see if a slight increase could be okay (though I really need to work on that protein cause last night was a fail in that regard). Biggest loss inches wise this month was in the chest but I'm okay with that because then under bust is closer to an easier to find in most stores measurement. One day I'll have money and get to buy stuff that fits. Woot.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    edited March 2015
    March 14 Check In

    Scale Weight: +4
    Waist: +2.5
    Hips: +.25
    BF%: -2.10
    BMI: +.75
    Stomach: +.25
    Left Thigh: +.25

    Again, not good. Not a huge increase since January, but still not good. The scale weight is not a concern, but the inches gained troubles me, BUT at the same time BF% did go down! I reevaluated my calories and macros last month, and made the decision to stop second guessing myself. Until next month.