Encourage Along! A group within our group!



  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:30. I drink about 20oz of water, go to the bathroom. Brush teeth and put exercise clothes on. Feed the dogs and go to the Y to work out. I try not to think about anything else, like how tired I am or how warm the bed was, etc...otherwise I will stay in bed.

    Since I have to get up to go to the bathroom...I just force myself to put my gym clothes on (which I have ready by my bed) and get moving.

    That's how I do it. Simple thinking...hard to do.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Tai-chi was great last night. Our class was cancelled but the instructor is continuing teaching us in his own home! He's pretty amazing anyway (very patient & knowledgeable) but this is way over the top for being incredible. There were only 2 of us last night so we got a lot of individual and intense instruction.
    Went on the treadmill after work: ran 6K in 52:30 while watching Dr. Phil (oy!) and the News (can't be too choosy on the treadmill....but it makes time go by quicker) and walked 1.7K in 17:30.

    How's everyone else doing?
    Nancy, how are the negotiations going? How are you managing?
    Gunngirl, did you fit your exercise in today? It's hard getting a new routine started. Just take it one step at a time and you'll succeed.
    Walker, you're amazing to get your exercise in so early. That's true dedication. Well done!
    Arabianhorselover, how are things with you this week?
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Well, we managed to reach a tentative agreement late (very late) Tuesday, so negotiations are over! The bad news is that I missed two day of exercising. The good news is that I'm back on track today and caught up on my sleep. Will go to Yoga tonight and weather is supposed to warm up enough that I should be able to ride on the weekend.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    So, how did everybody do over the weekend? I walked on the treadmill Saturday and rode my horse on Sunday and stayed within calorie amount. Here's to a good week :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I had a good run on the treadmill on Friday but pulled my back out on Saturday by merely bending over to pick up a towel. Yikes! I've been icing & heating my back ever since. It's somewhat better today and I'm going to go for a short walk on the treadmill this afternoon to try to loosen things up some more....but no running.
    It's a slight hiccup but nothing insurmountable. I'll be back in full force over the week sometime.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Ouch, Paytra - nothing worse than a sore back. A short walk sounds like a good idea. I'm off to Yoga tonight.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Have fun at yoga, Nancy! I'm going to go to tai-chi class. I think my back will be fine. If not, I'll move off to the side and practice what I can.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Tai-chi class was great. Our instructor really worked us hard and pointed out a lot of corrections. My back took it really well, too, so that's a good sign.
    I'm going to try to run for awhile tomorrow. I need to move more again. I started a new job almost 2 months ago and there's more sitting. I think I'm noticing a waist gain....I'm not sure yet but better not wait until I am. Better get right on it, right away.
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Did elliptical for 30 minutes and I really worked hard...I was sweating pretty good (which tells me I put in a decent effort) and I did some lifting on weight machines. Still screwing up in the evening. I always have good intentions though.
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    My challenge today is going to lunch at Boston Pizza with a former colleague. Have looked at the menu online and have decided on an individual veggie pizza. Will eat half and save the other half for lunch tomorrow. Eating out is hard when you're trying to watch calories.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Eating out is a challenge. It sometimes helps to look at the week's calorie limit when eating out even once, rather than each day separately. That way, you can "make up" the overcalories of eating out by "pinching" a few each of the other days so that the weekly limit is reached. It takes the mental stress from eating out occasionally.

    I had a really good outdoor run today. I got home & the sun was still shining, so I quickly laced on my shoes and took off. I had to buy milk (pinned money into my pocket), ran along the river & through some warehouses before it got dusky. By that time, I was back on a well-used road with sidewalks. Stopped at the store about 1/2 kilometer from home, got milk, walked home. Got there in dark dusk.
    It was a good way to end the day.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Practiced some tai-chi tonight. Took it slow and tried to really concentrate on moving correctly. I need to do that more often. Slowing it down makes it harder to do but easier to find one's balance.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Went out for a run this morning: 6.5K in 53:45. It was foggy and damp but the coolness felt really good and kept me from overheating. Those are the best runs.

    How's everyone doing? It's been rather quiet lately. I find this a hard time of year to get out and do things. My body & mind just want to hibernate.
  • Chr1ssyH0ys
    Chr1ssyH0ys Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in!
    It's summer time here in New Zealand.....
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hi Chrissy!
  • Chr1ssyH0ys
    Chr1ssyH0ys Posts: 56 Member
    Hi Paytra!
    Haha to my last comment, cause just tried to go for a walk which was cut decidedly short due to getting caught in a downpour! Warm rain so quite enjoyably fun.
    "Some people feel the rain, others just get wet" ☔️
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm still hanging in! Bitter cold (-30C) temps have curtailed my riding but I've been getting on the treadmill and going to Yoga. Out of town for 2 days this week on business and I think I'm going to pack a couple of lunches instead of eating out.

    Welcome, Chrissy!
  • Chr1ssyH0ys
    Chr1ssyH0ys Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you for the welcome, I'm looking forward to hanging with you all.
    Gosh minus 30 degs, where in the world are you!?
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Brrr......that is colder than cold, Nancy! Keep as warm as you can. Good idea to pack a couple of lunches.
    I practiced some tai-chi last night. I'm starting to get my mojo back for the practicing. I've been cutting them short or skipping them but this past week, I'm back at it in a strong manner.
    I'm planning on running after work. If the weather holds, I'll try to run outdoors but rain is predicted.

    Chrissy, how are you doing today?
  • nev888
    nev888 Posts: 67 Member
    Chrissy, I'm in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. It was -38C with the windchill this morning. Hard to do anything at all outside in those temps. On a positive note, I'm eating a healthy beef stew for lunch my husband made on the weekend. Warm and filling - it's perfect for this weather.
  • Chr1ssyH0ys
    Chr1ssyH0ys Posts: 56 Member
    Cooler here today, 24 degs c
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    Minus 4 here with snow due too! Brrr. (Scotland)
  • walker306
    walker306 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello All,
    I'm from Erie, PA and we have lots of snow and more on the way. It's not so cold right now...28. Did the elliptical on the weight loss hill setting on level 6. Works up a great sweat. Makes me very hungry as the day goes on. Trying to eat lots of protein to take care of the hunger. Hope it works.
  • Chr1ssyH0ys
    Chr1ssyH0ys Posts: 56 Member
    Packing up to go camping for 4 days, now to take my NutriBullet or not!?
  • FishyK
    FishyK Posts: 147 Member
    I like this group in a group if anyone is still watching! I'm in the California desert and I've been walking over 10,000 steps per day. Down 8 pounds in a little over 6 weeks so on the right track. Trying to work up the gumption to lift weights again.
  • Chr1ssyH0ys
    Chr1ssyH0ys Posts: 56 Member
    Certainly not a busy group!
    Didn't take my NutriBullet camping, been back two weeks and haven't yet got back on track......here's to this week!!