New Year's Resolution

Lyndal816 Posts: 35 Member
Did you make that resolution again? You know the one that says you WILL lose weight and I mean it this time. I understand making the same New Year’s resolution of losing weight and then hanging my head in shame (AGAIN and AGAIN) when I didn’t even make until the 3rd of January before I fell off the wagon. And then at the end of the year I not only did not lose the weight but gained some.

I’ve spent years depriving my body because I “should” eat something else or I “shouldn’t” eat something that was considered “wrong”. I am an expert at that mind-set. The guilt has overcome me year after year. But what I failed to do every year is to praise my body for all the things it has done for me. For 61 years this wonderful body has never failed me. It has given me the ability to love, to laugh, to learn, and mostly to just to be alive. Because of this fantastic body, I was able to be the mother of two awesome sons – and, as the result of that I am the Mema to two wonderful little girls (and another one on the way). This year I want to love my body enough to take care of it. Instead of shaming my body, I want to embrace it as the magnificent friend that it has been to me.

There will be times when I feel empty. I can hope that when that happens, I will stop and find out what I am missing. Am I lonely, am I sad, am I scared, or am I really hungry. If I am hungry I will feed me. If I am empty for some other reason, I will start by finding Rom (my wonderful husband) and asking for a hug. My hope is that my time out will help me listen to my body. Shame has never worked so it’s time to change my MO.
Here’s to the best year of our lives.


  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Sounds like you have got the attitude well sorted sure to come back and read this regularly as the year you inspire others, you will be an inspiration to yourself too

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    I posted this link last week, but will share again in case you'd like to read a funny take on honoring your body - and taking care of it!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I went for a long cold walk on New Year's Day and watched so many people start what was probably their resolutions. I wondered who would be successful. The people running and looking like they would die, in my mind will give up. We know this is a gradual process and we need to enjoy the workout and start out slowly. Contrary to the "how to start exercising" article, I also chose the people who went out in twos and threes. I agree that we all need encouragement, and you all do that for me, but to find people with the same motivation, the same schedule, and the same commitment is difficult. Too many days, one will be unable to workout and then the workout will be put on hold until they become non-existent. I believe that if you don't want it enough to do it alone, you don't want it enough. I know although she is very fit, I don't get as good a workout even when my daughter joins me. We start to talk and we slow down.

    Has anyone else who has discovered the joy of working out found working out with friends (not a class) a better, more consistent workout than alone?

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    What has worked for me is making exercise a part of my daily activity instead of a separate activity that “must” be scheduled into my day.

    bike3.gifSince I enjoy biking and am able to bike to most of my shopping, appointments, church functions, etc., I do so. Now it does require me leaving earlier to get when I’m going and sometime I don’t dress quite as I would if I had driven, but with a little flexibility on my part I’m able to log ~250 miles a month without even thinking of it as “exercise.”

    To answer Charlie’s question, I would love to have a workout partner for schedule or non-schedule exercise but it just hasn’t happen. So I’m double thankful that I <3 biking!

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    edited January 2015
    Wooken3 wrote: »
    bike3.gifSince I enjoy biking and am able to bike to most of my shopping, appointments, church functions, etc., I do so. Now it does require me leaving earlier to get when I’m going and sometime I don’t dress quite as I would if I had driven, but with a little flexibility on my part I’m able to log ~250 miles a month without even thinking of it as “exercise.”

    Wooken, that is awesome. I like to walk and bike and do as much of both as I can over the summer/fall but winter and even most of spring it is out of the question unless I want frost bite. I do walk in the cold but not ride a bike. But I don't come near doing 250 mile a month of either. You're my role model now.

  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    I have made 2 resolutions: 1. keep on my weight loss journey (been here 601 days) and 2. I will not break any bones this year. 2014 was not kind to me. I broke the bone near my shoulder in July and I am still dealing with it.
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Making resolutions is a good way to start the New Year but, obviously, keeping them is the hard part. For me, motivation is the key. What will motivate me, as the days, weeks & months pass, to keep up my journey? I find it may change often, but when I lock into it, I find it's easier to stick with the journey.

    On Charlie's question, I find I exercise more and harder when I'm alone -- no distractions. I enjoy having a buddy along sometimes, but my focus is better when I don't. I like to challenge myself while working out and find that I can't do that as well when I'm with someone.

    My biggest resolution for 2015 is to finally reach my goal. Now, I'm going to get motivated to stick with it! ;)

  • keyauwee
    keyauwee Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck to everyone with your resolutions! I usually make a list of them. This year, I made 1: Climb more mountains! and I mean it figuratively and literally. Started out with a misty hike up our local King Mountain. It's only 1,043 feet and my ascent was about 650 feet up a 1.3 mile trail. So, I plan to climb 100 mountains this year and since I'm driving across country in June, I'll have plenty to choose from. Figuratively speaking, I'm on a quest to be more mindful, more grateful, more creative, more curious, more true to my muchness! 2015 is going to be an awesome year ... I feel it!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I hate resolutions, because I'm always just recycling the ones that fell through from the previous year.

    Having said that, however... I do need to keep at it and lose *some* weight and stay fit/ get more fit...

    Rewards. It's about rewards.
    I am planning a trip to CA in April where I will probably see some of my friends, and it would be nice to have them think.. "oh! She looks thinner!" rather than, "oh dear, she's put on the pounds, hasn't she?"

    Clothes. Clothes are a good reward. I don't need an extensive wardrobe, being retired, and all. But. Most of my stuff is 10-15 years old and I'm sick of it. My intention is for it to all become so baggy that I'll be forced to replace it with new, kicky stuff.



  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Lyndal816 wrote: »
    For 61 years this wonderful body has never failed me. It has given me the ability to love, to laugh, to learn, and mostly to just to be alive. Because of this fantastic body, I was able to be the mother of two awesome sons – and, as the result of that I am the Mema to two wonderful little girls (and another one on the way). This year I want to love my body enough to take care of it. Instead of shaming my body, I want to embrace it as the magnificent friend that it has been to me.

    I love this, Lynda, beautifully said.

    As for resolutions, I made mine in late summer when I found out my blood sugar was going up. I resolved then and there to drive it back into the normal range with diet and exercise, and that is my continued resolve in this new year.

    One thing I have chosen as a "New Year's Resolution" is to unpack completely on the day I return home. I have been very bad at doing this all my life! :o So before I go to bed tonight, my first night back at home after a wonderful vacation trip, I am getting to the bottom of both my suitcases. I hope this is a resolution I can mold into a habit.

    ~ Kathy back home in Worcester, Massachusetts