Successful "No thank-yous"



  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I don't eat strictly low carb anymore, more moderate carb, but say no to many things, but namely anything that will only cause my body grief, be it intestinal discomfort/ cravings/ etc. I try to stick to eating foods that will love me back, as they say :smile:
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    The thing I have the hardest time saying no to is bread. Any kind of bread. problem. Whole lotta nope. Candy and cookies? No problem. But bread? OMGs that is my weakness. I've been saying no to it, though, and the trick for me is to not take even one nibble, because the flood gates will open if I do.

    Kimba, I am also a huge bread lover but have NO issues with this WOE and also with the finding of the Oopsie Roll receipe...yum,yum,yum. I had a great hamburger tonight and it was awesome with the oopsie rolls. If you haven't checked out that receipe, you will need to. Just google Oopsie Roll...amazing!!
  • hotsungirl
    hotsungirl Posts: 107 Member
    Day 11 for me and I had no problem out for dinner last night watching everyone else eat dessert, especially what was once my favorite Creme Brulee. Life is good!
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    hotsungirl wrote: »
    Day 11 for me and I had no problem out for dinner last night watching everyone else eat dessert, especially what was once my favorite Creme Brulee. Life is good!

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I just love this way of eating as I have not had any sugar cravings or carb cravings since I started and that has been 2 weeks. I went cold turkey when I started and it has been great. My elderly, single, neighbour loved that he got all the treat leftovers and the chocolate that was received all went into a bag in the freezer (hubby snacks from that bag from time to time but it doesn't bother me one darn bit).

    I did go out for lunch this week but was prepared - I checked out the restaurant online and found the nutrition value and chose ahead of time what was going to be good choices for me instead of being rushed and picking something I shouldn't have.

    I went cold turkey (tried to taper off the prior two months without success) Oct 2014. The first two weeks were hard but I am still amazed how fast the sugar/carb craving left and have stayed gone. I went with the family to Fazoli's last night. I got a side salad and two packets of Buttermilk Ranch dressing (2 carbs per pack) and had a good 500 calorie meal late in the evening.
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    I just love this way of eating as I have not had any sugar cravings or carb cravings since I started and that has been 2 weeks. I went cold turkey when I started and it has been great. My elderly, single, neighbour loved that he got all the treat leftovers and the chocolate that was received all went into a bag in the freezer (hubby snacks from that bag from time to time but it doesn't bother me one darn bit).

    I did go out for lunch this week but was prepared - I checked out the restaurant online and found the nutrition value and chose ahead of time what was going to be good choices for me instead of being rushed and picking something I shouldn't have.

    I went cold turkey (tried to taper off the prior two months without success) Oct 2014. The first two weeks were hard but I am still amazed how fast the sugar/carb craving left and have stayed gone. I went with the family to Fazoli's last night. I got a side salad and two packets of Buttermilk Ranch dressing (2 carbs per pack) and had a good 500 calorie meal late in the evening.

  • vvallentyne
    vvallentyne Posts: 77 Member
    The thing I have the hardest time saying no to is bread. Any kind of bread. problem. Whole lotta nope. Candy and cookies? No problem. But bread? OMGs that is my weakness. I've been saying no to it, though, and the trick for me is to not take even one nibble, because the flood gates will open if I do.

    This is exactly my prob too!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I think we all had carbs we preferred. All the fresh bread sticks that you can eat last night never really got my attention. The daughter was baking a lot of brownies and cupcakes for a super bowl party last week. I got a high off of smelling them but no burning desire to eat one. I was one that could eat 24 brownie in one evening if I had enough milk to wash them down. I have eaten large cakes over a two evening period of time.

    That carb loading that I did last Thanksgiving was horrible and I never want feel that bad again when it is all optional. Freedom from craving carbs of any type is awesome.
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    great job! I was just talking to my husband about this - I'm not hungry, but often want to eat because the food is there, or out of habit, etc. I'm always saying No, especially at night, to myself, because I want to lounge and watch TV and eat my kids' snacks!
  • ibetty55
    ibetty55 Posts: 48 Member
    :) I thought bread would be the hardest for me also but it is surprisingly easy to totally ignore it!
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I ordered 20 wings from Zaxby's a couple days ago. They told me they only had 17, but they could give me some boneless wings (breaded) or chicken fingers (also breaded) to make up for it. I turned them down, asked them to just charge me for 15 and give me whatever they had. While they were doing that, I was also offered texas toast, fries, and a soda to make up for the fact that they could only fill 90% of my order :P Easy to turn down, but I found it funny, and the guy helping me was perplexed that I didn't want any free stuff.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Free stuff that hurts us is not really free we know but he I expect is very young and can eat a lot of anything without issues yet.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Congrats to everyone here, it's so good to hear of you all winning the carb war! I said no to 2 cupcakes last weekend. I even bought them home so the baker wouldn't be upset, and they were cakes that *truly* made me drool in the past. I did eat the Malteser ball off the top of one, but will never do that again - couldn't believe the carbs when I logged it! One single malteser!?!?! Who knew? I threw both of the cakes in the bin, only feeling guilty for wasting food. But is it food???? ;)
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    Congrats to everyone here, it's so good to hear of you all winning the carb war! I said no to 2 cupcakes last weekend. I even bought them home so the baker wouldn't be upset, and they were cakes that *truly* made me drool in the past. I did eat the Malteser ball off the top of one, but will never do that again - couldn't believe the carbs when I logged it! One single malteser!?!?! Who knew? I threw both of the cakes in the bin, only feeling guilty for wasting food. But is it food???? ;)

    Way to go!
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    radiii wrote: »
    I ordered 20 wings from Zaxby's a couple days ago. They told me they only had 17, but they could give me some boneless wings (breaded) or chicken fingers (also breaded) to make up for it. I turned them down, asked them to just charge me for 15 and give me whatever they had. While they were doing that, I was also offered texas toast, fries, and a soda to make up for the fact that they could only fill 90% of my order :P Easy to turn down, but I found it funny, and the guy helping me was perplexed that I didn't want any free stuff.
    Lol. People that haven't listened to videos and read the books don't get it. I am seriously going to donate Dr. Phinney and Volek's low carb book for my coworkers to read. Most are nurses but still think our brains need glucose, that all we eat is meat eggs and cheese!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their NSVs!

    I've found over and over that the more you exercise your "resistance muscle," your "No thanks" muscle, the stronger it gets. I have no problem saying "no thanks" to even my favorites. It isn't about what I can't have, because I focus on all the deliciousness I CAN. It's all about the "CAN". I have a friend on another forum that is posting constantly, crowing about what she didn't eat, and proud as heck about it. Be proud of yourself. Saying no to certain things isn't easy sometimes. We are warriors. LOL!

    It's easier too when you are prepared. Keep nuts or some non-perishable snack with you that fits on your plan for emergencies, plan to eat before carbacious parties, and scope all your usual restaurants for low-carb meals before hand. Forewarned is forearmed as they say, and I find it much much easier if I have a firm plan going in. If I'm focused on all the yummy goodness I CAN have, I don't give a crap about what everyone else is doing.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    I've been laid up with a sore back over the weekend so the hubby ran the kitchen. He came home with a fresh, warm, crusty loaf of bread. Curse him!

    I wanted a cheese and promite (don't judge :smiley: ) sandwich sooooo badly. Then I thought: what was it exactly about the sandwich that I really wanted. It was the cheese. The butter. The promite. So, I actually wanted the fillings, the bread was just a convenient way to get it into my mouth. So I sliced a piece of cheese, buttered it and spread promite over the top. It was glorious.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I had one bite of a copycat recipe I make for my guy based off of Olive Garden's Black Tie Mousse Cake. While making it, I was thinking of the few subs I'd need to make for it to be low carb high fat friendly. Most of it is cream cheese and heavy cream, so there wouldn't be too many tweaks. The only part that really teased me was the custard layer, but I'm just looking for find a good recipe for it. Considering it is mostly egg yolks and heavy cream and gelatin, can sub xantham gum for the flour and a sweetener for the sugar, I think it should be moderately easy...just haven't been brave enough yet. I've passed up all manner of bread and tortillas (I have embraced Joseph's Pitas, but they are only 4 net carbs, so I'm okay there). Passed up a ton of cookies and other sweets. And mashed potatoes and refried beans. Most of it pretty easy. Did take a sip of the mixed drink my guy made, but the rum and such was so sweet I didn't want another sip. LOL So, I'm doing okay. I have had 5-10 chocolate chips here or there and that is more than enough to satisfy any mild craving I have. Only thing I've been really kind of missing is pudding/milkshake, but I just have to find the right combination of things, and I won't miss that anymore either.
  • WillCams
    I am a breadaholic. I love bread. Not so much sweet things, but bread, crossaints etc I must have. I have cut them all out. Now I walk down the isle with sandwiches pizzas and the like and smile brightly when I get to the end and put anything in the basket. I started out avoiding that isle. Now I do it to test my resolve
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    Sajyana wrote: »
    I've been laid up with a sore back over the weekend so the hubby ran the kitchen. He came home with a fresh, warm, crusty loaf of bread. Curse him!

    I wanted a cheese and promite (don't judge :smiley: ) sandwich sooooo badly. Then I thought: what was it exactly about the sandwich that I really wanted. It was the cheese. The butter. The promite. So, I actually wanted the fillings, the bread was just a convenient way to get it into my mouth. So I sliced a piece of cheese, buttered it and spread promite over the top. It was glorious.

    What is promite?