Five Good Reasons Why At Least 50% of Your 2015 'Cardio' Training Should Be High Intensity Interval

Method_One Posts: 58 Member

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Bottom line: As you can see, there are plenty of good arguments in favor of HIIT training. Arguments that do yet not warrant replacing "classic" steady-state endurance training altogether. In fact, comparisons of high intensity interval and classic endurance training in trained athletes show that both are equally effective (Owens. 2013).

HIIT "cardio", steady-state "cardio" and the sympathetic and parasymphatic nervous system | more
For the average gymrat, more important argument to keep the classic cardio exercises can be (a) personal preference (even the best workout is only beneficial if you actually do it) and (b) the recovery of the sympathetic nervous system. While low intensity steady state cardio - if it's done in reasonable amounts - may actually improve the recovery of the sympathetic nervous system the day after a strength training session. A HIIT workout will further tax it. If you belong to those who hit the weights 5x per week, it may thus be wiser to stick to steady state instead of HIIT exercise as your preferred weight training regimen to give your sympathetic nervous system time to recover during a low intensity steady-state workout