Day 6

emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
Ugh, feel sick and cranky this evening! Not sure whether to blame food or whether I am just cranky! Easier to blame food!! Went to crossfit this morning and it was good. Eaten well, nothing to report really.

Hope your days have gone well.


  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Feeling a bit cranky as well but I am sooo sick! Still staying strong though. Hang in there Emma.
  • emilymean
    emilymean Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, good morning, I joined group yesterday. Day 6 and I am mostly lethargic, didn't sleep well and my brain/body is getting all kinds of confused - can't figure out if it's hungry or what the heck. I'm back up to 2 tbls coconut oil in morning coffee so I know I'm not hungry. I'm just looking forward to week 3 when all things return to awesome. Have a good one.
  • sunshine5610
    sunshine5610 Posts: 11 Member
    Hit that point in the first week where I have cravings for anything and everything that has carbs or sugar in it. Put a ton of hot sauce on my eggs this morning to attempt to make up for it. Going spinning tonight - anyone else a spin fan?
  • emilymean
    emilymean Posts: 159 Member
    I gave in and had a spinache omlete, plenty of time to iron out hunger issues down the road. Sunshine, I've never done a spin class, have never had a gym membership although I did zumba with a friend for 2 months and it was actually a lot of fun. Since I'll be saving money not buying expensive beers maybe I should think about joining a gym. Guess I'm a bit intimidated and need a buddy o hold my hand. I like to go for walks.
  • eahouston
    eahouston Posts: 1,015 Member
    I took spinning classes in Korea last year. It was a completely different experience. Disco lights, K-Pop songs, and yes, choreography. Here's an example of what it's like: I miss it ;)
  • 100andOnward
    100andOnward Posts: 145 Member
    My energy is low today, but that's to be expected.

    I also may have thrown a temper tantrum when my roommate said I couldn't have pancakes for breakfast, even Paleo pancakes.... I don't even LIKE pancakes.....
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I'm doing ok today despite a terrible night's sleep. I did go to crossfit last night and it helped with my mood. I had an avocado for breakfast, pulled pork, cauli-rice, and broccoli for lunch and would LOVE a good chicken soup recipe to make for dinner. It's super cold here and hot soup sounds lovely!
  • My headaches are going away when I eat a good bit of fat. I still do not feel up to really working out though. I think that will change when mandatory PT starts back up on Thursday. I think its awesome so many people are doing Crossfit. I wish there was a Box around here.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    The spinning class is awesome!! My headaches finally passed today. Thank goodness!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Day 6 did not go as planned but I reigned in at got things on track. Work sometimes get's hectic & I do not get to eat when I should & then I feel starving. I grabbed a potato chip & ate it without realizing what I had just done till I went to grab another & I was like WHOA Stop that is NOT compliant!!! I know I did not get in enough protein today but it was just ONE day & life will go on!
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I made this soup- I couldn't find poblanos and the peppers I grabbed were pretty spicy. I pureed all the veggies and added the chicken later- seasoned with W30 compliant taco seasoning and cumin and I had a delicious warming dinner. Can't wait for having it again for lunch!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    edited January 2015
    Ohhh looks YUMMY! I LOVE spicy foods! Thank you for sharing!
  • sunshine5610
    sunshine5610 Posts: 11 Member
    eahouston wrote: »
    I took spinning classes in Korea last year. It was a completely different experience. Disco lights, K-Pop songs, and yes, choreography. Here's an example of what it's like: I miss it ;)

    This looks AMAZING
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Day 6 and made it out of the carb flu, plus the real one. I suppose my saving grace was the real flu, which left me on my back in misery, but I'm ready to get out into the fresh air and reap the benefits of the woe!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Glad you are feeling much better!!!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Thanks vhuber!