For those looking for food charts with total/net carbs as well as protein....

msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
Go here!

I used the charts from this website to make myself a mega-chart to help me with grocery shopping, logging or a quick reference if I want to take a recipe and make it keto-friendly :)

Have a great day everyone!!


  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited January 2015
    When I tried to go to the site, my Anti-Virus warned me not to go there. Here is a screenshot:


    I wonder why?

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    xxx.jpg 72.4K
  • It's the government man. ..they don't want you to know. ;)
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    I get a warning at work when I go to Jimmy Moore's Livin Low carb site... I think it must be all the ads piled up on the site, or the click-trackers, or something similar. Because you have to trust lc people, right? :) ymmv