Sugar cravings... My nemesis!



  • LifeIsGoodAZ
    LifeIsGoodAZ Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing all those ideas. I'm okay on sugar right now because I count all my calories and plan my food in advance but sugar (all forms) has always been my downfall and weakness. It's a good thing I like raw veggies as I am good about drinking tons of water. I'm going to try the cinnamon apple idea, the teas, and the cinnamon stick in water. Those might add some good variety to these days of watching all the calories.
  • cmking62
    cmking62 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with going cold turkey. I am a sugar addict, if I'm eating sugar no amount will satisfy me and the cravings are horrible. I've been off sugar (and Diet Coke) for almost 3 weeks now and it's such a wonderful feeling not to have the cravings. I'm not saying it's easy because it surely isn't, the first 3 or 4 days I thought I was going to die from the severe headaches. But once I got past that it's amazing how the cravings went away and how much better I feel. You've just got to persevere through the rough days. Believe me if I can do it you can too.