New Year - New Goals. No Resolution.

Hey friends!

Just wanted to check in for the New Year - The last 4-6 months have been pretty crazy and I noticed myself get off track a bit with my gym schedule, and my eating. Now I was always one to plan my day/eating around my workouts, but with work going nuts, and a relationship, it can be hard to always put myself first.

That being said I have rededicated myself to my fitness plan/pal and my goals - add 20# lean muscle over the next year and maintain it. Just cancelled my old gym membership and am getting a new one at a new gym for my girlfriend an I to enjoy together.

How's everybody else been doing through the holidays? Any New Year Goals to share and help each other with?


  • AnthonyBarbaria
    This post is mostly for myself - so far I have been logging almost everyday and getting closer to my daily caloric goals, which I'm pumped on! I also got set up on my new gym membership and have gone everyday I intended to this past week - let's keep it up fam!
  • BigLadBigLad
    BigLadBigLad Posts: 9 Member
    Finally myfitnesspal have added the forum sectiito their mobile app I can access this a lot easier. I too have changed gym to a brand new one which is very big inside (and cheaper!) with power racks. So now I can do proper squats and not the one's I had to do on the smith machine and my previous crappy council run gym. As for Christmas time I only had a week off the gym and a week off from logging my calories so I only gained 2lb.