Crazy Anxiety - Day 8

thebuz Posts: 221 Member
Anyone have suggestions on how to take the edge off??? Haven't smoked since this morning and feeling good about that but have a heaviness in my chest right now and finding it hard to take my mind off of it. Just wondering how other people handled this side effect.


  • bytrout
    bytrout Posts: 33 Member
    Well about a year later (I just got back on map) I wonder if you;re still not smoking. I handled quitting with Chantix, lots of water, juices, and exercise. Lots of walking.
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    So proud to say that I'm still smoke free. I think I'll be 9 months quit at the end of the month. Feels amazing!!! How long have you been quit? congrats to you on your quit. It's a doozy of a thing to do!