I'm new and would LOVE some great "clean eating" tips!!

I am fresh to this and has a very very busy schedule. I would love for any quick and simple clean eating tips for breakfast all the way to dinner, and maybe a late night snack. :wink:


  • rendress269
    rendress269 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Monique! I've been dabbling in the clean eating concept for about 3 years. Decided to jump in with both feet in to Eat Clean, Eat Local in 2015!
    One of the first things I did was visit my local farmer's market to buy fresh, seasonal, local produce. Getting to know where your food comes from is kinda cool. What I can't find at the market I supplement with a trip to the grocery store. I build my menu based on seasonal and on sale produce.
    I buy very little packaged food and started to really look closely at the labels for what I do keep in the pantry.
    Good luck!!
  • Japkoo
    Japkoo Posts: 34 Member
    I hope this is alright to share. This is my sisters blog about her journey to clean eating and includes some great recipes. http://ichoosehappyblog.com/