A Rare Benefit

chaoticrunner Posts: 32 Member
I've been hypo for a bit over a year and a half now. Last summer, my endo decided to take me off my meds just to see if my thyroid had bounced back. Back in April my TSH was up again, and I gotta say, being hypo in the summer sure is saving on the electricity bill! Of course everyone thinks I'm crazy not wanting air conditioning when it's 92 out. Blood work again on Monday to see if I need to be back on the meds. Till then, I'll be enjoying the heat wave!


  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    I hear you! My family makes fun of me wearing sweaters when its 90 out. I found this winter that I wore a lot of neck scarves (very fashionable!) and they really helped keep me warm. Somehow just having my neck area wrapped kept me warm. My own fashion statement.
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    My endo wanted me to do the same thing. I am too scared to mess with my metabolism. I worked sooooo hard to lose all of this weight to let him mess with taking me off my meds. Let us know how it goes.
  • chaoticrunner
    chaoticrunner Posts: 32 Member
    Yeah, weight gain has been a problem these last couple months. Doesn't matter how much I work out or how big a calorie deficit I manage, I'm still gaining instead of losing. The only reason I went for the break was simply because there is no explanation for why I'm hypo. Doc thought maybe it was just some random inflammation, apparently not!
  • zackery2011
    Haha. I have hypothyroidism with anhoidrosis (I can not sweat at all). Which I guess in ONE way can make me see a benefit to being hypo. During the winter I am FREEZING! Yet during the summer I am usually ok as long as i dont go outside, then I feel like I am on fire, but I bet if i wasn't hypo I would feel even HOTTER in the heat. My family will make fun of me for using a blanket during the summer when I am inside with the AC on, but thats the only way I feel comfortable. The low 70s is my comfort zone. Any lower Im freezing, any warmer and im burning up and itching like crazy wanting to pass out. If I had to choose tho- Id rather be cold all the time rather than hot all the time, atleast then I can grab a blanket or layer up. (I do hate the dry cracking skin during winter tho)