Jan 2015 Challenge ~ Jan 12th - Jan 18th



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Lol, Kathy I laughed when I read your Mantra! Great! I am crossing my fingers for you. Wishing you loads of luck.

    Going to Denver tomorrow, so I might not be on here. Have a great Saturday everyone.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Shelley, I had a feeling you would appreciate the latest mantra. :) Have a good trip & be safe.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Got the gym done early this morning w/DD. Need to work on my steps. DH is getting my car smogged, so we will be walking Bean when he gets home. I might go out after that and see what I can do. It's cool and cloudy today. Perfect walking weather!

    See you all later!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    The season may be over. My team lost...only winning 1 of 2 matches. My partner and I lost our match and we lost the singles match. So that means we are tied for second so we have a slight chance of making the playoffs. We should get the word one way or the other tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

    But what a workout. Those ladies ran us all over the court for about 2 hours. :)
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Crossing my fingies for you and your partner Kathy

    Shelley challenges for a cause ROCK! Something about the cause that keeps one on track. Hoping my runner neighbor can give me some info on winter walking gear. Although I am trying to talk hubby into cross country skiing. We have quite a few places here that do it both on groomed trails and in the woods. The kettle bells are 5#, 10#, and 15#. So far I am really liking them, especially for doing Russian twists.

    Chris I upped my daily steps to 12k and on days that I do not work it is tough to get them all in, especially being cooped up inside. One can only walk for so long in front of the tv, lol. Also I found that my FitBit lasts about 24hrs on low.

    Mary so sorry to hear about your fur baby. Sending some prayers and positivity your way. {{{{hugs}}}}.

    Still trying to get my steps in for today and will do the challenges also.

    Keep warm ladies.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Kathy - hope you make the playoffs!

    Lynnette - cool stuff upping your steps. I agree that it's tough to get all your steps in when you can't walk outside. I miss spring and summer...

    Shelley - how was Denver??

    Walked w/DH and Bean after the gym and car smogging then got our challenge done twice and got 22,600 steps done today. A good Saturday!

    I might just end up with walking tomorrow. DD and I are walking in the morning then I have a "Christmas/B'day" lunch with a couple of friends in the early afternoon. The kids are coming over to watch football, make frozen yogurt and dinner later in the afternoon.

    Hope you all have a terrific Sunday!



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Kathy hope you and your partner squeak in. But at least you got in a workout to be proud of. And I am sure you all gave it your best. :D

    Lynette thanks. I am not a fan of freezing my fanny off though. I have a number of kettle bell workouts. I like swinging them. I am sure YouTube has some also. I really get a great leg workout using them. Enjoy your new ones. :D

    Chris what is getting ones car smogged mean? Sounds spooky. CO was educational. I was information seeking on aquariums and their different forms of filtration and protein skimmers. Left the truck at home to make sure I did not impulse buy! B) Good thing also. I have decided on a refugium under the main tank. About 40-60 gallons depending on the main tanks volume. I am going to make a "tank" out of cardboard and two by two's to make sure of the size. I want the final size to be determined on it "fitting" the space available and not overwhelming it. I am betting it will be between 120-150. The guy at the store talked for over an hour with us. And they sale dry rock. Which means I can spend weeks if I need to aquascaping the tank before adding water. And using silicone to glue them in place.

    Also visited my friend in Cheyenne. She gutted her kitchen and even removed a wall. The woman has talent. :D

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Tennis practice - 2hrs this afternoon with a few teammates. It was so windy the balls were going all over the court & out of the court. Did nut complete the challenge but looking forward to the kettle bell challenge tomorrow.

    Shelley - the passion you have for your aquariums is so special.

    Lynette - great job upping your steps. I really miss my treadmill...

    Great Sunday everyone!
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Kathy, I bet that was a hoot trying to hit those balls and chasing them all over. We don't have a treadmill either. I use the Wii step (although any step would work) and just step in front of the tv. It end to walk around the basement during commercials just to break up the monotony of it. Hubby loves his elliptical but I am kinda like "whatever" with it.

    Shelley can I just mail my tank to you so you can fix it for me? Lol. The fish seem fine and no disease signs so I guess that even though the numbers are wonky they must not be a bad as I think.

    Chris I am with Shelley, what the heck is smogging? Is it like an emissions test? We do that here in PA but thought we were one of the only states doing it. Also our streets are clear now so no ice worries if I venture out to walk. Let me tell ya once you slip on ice and crack your tail bone, literally crack it, you will gain a whole new respect for that shiny stuff, lol. Cracked mine twice in one winter and it was absolutely awful.

    Didn't quite make my steps yesterday but I did workout and put on an extra 6k that I otherwise wouldn't have had I stayed on the couch. Steps are iffy today also but I did get my floors all,swept and vacuumed plus got the laundry all done. Going to step some more in a bit while hubby watches this playoff game.

    Sleep tight ladies.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Yes, getting the car smogged is the emissions test. All of us in California have to do it every two years or you don't get the registration tags for your car. I thought everyone had to do it because of pollution...global warming...all that. Guess we're just lucky, Lynnette!!

    Got four miles done this morning. DD couldn't make it. Managed 12,800 steps and that's it! The kids came over for the game. They both helped us put dinner together. What a great team we all made!!

    I have done nothing but eat since Friday afternoon. Don't know why...but it's given me a three day headache among other unpleasant things. You would think I'd have learned by now.

    I'm off tomorrow, so I'm going w/DD to Walnut Creek to get the oil changed in her car and wander around the mall while the mechanics to their thing.

    I'm heading for some pillow time now.

    Hope you are all off tomorrow too!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    Kathy it was blowing something awful here also. We walked the dogs and it was like resistance training! :o I can imagine your frustration. But since it was practice I hope you were able to laugh at it. :D

    Lynette which numbers are wonkers? Thought you only had some normal algae? We do not have emission testing here. To much wind for them to care. I wish they would though. They did when I lived in Spokane WA. I worked on my house chores today also.

    Chris my eating has been off this weekend also. I have cut out a meal a day to make room for all the junk I ate. Tomorrow's eating will be better. Worked on my power point this evening. I am invited to be a guest speaker at the Master Gardeners meeting next month. And they gave me free rein! B) So I was thinking about showing how to do a garden makeover. 45 minutes for the presentation and 15 for questions and answers.

    Our cat Bandicoot has been really missing his buddy Whiskers. So has Timmy. I wish there was some way to make them feel better.

    Anyway I hope you all have a 3 day weekend and have a great Monday. :D

    Chris what is the retirement count down now?

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Shelley, I wish I could be there for your presentation at the Master Gardener meeting. I know I would learn so much.

    Good luck and have fun!

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Been a busy weekend, but I'm off today for some me time!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thought everyone knew what a smog test was. :noway: Forget sometimes how different our lives are.

    Shelley, when we lost three of our four kitties in one year, the last, Maynard, went into a depression and developed eating disorders. Hope you all fare better and feel better soon. :cry:

    Kathy, I second you, wouldn't it be fun to watch Shelley in action! :bigsmile:

    Chris & Lynette, enjoy your steps, you wonder women! :smile: And Clara, enjoy your "me" time - such an essential part of living.

    I finished my mini workout when I woke up in the middle of last night. I'm often going to bed when you're getting up, Chris, and thinking of you at four am. :laugh:

    Best to all.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Busy, busy day running errands, grocery store etc. just getting home so I guess this became a "rest day". Hope everyone had a great day.

    Good night.