Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, January 12th - 18th



  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,612 Member
    Flora just give it some times, somewhere I read it really takes up to 3 months for our bodies to really adjust to exercise and eating right to really see and feel the difference ( now I don't know how true this statement is )

    Michelle I know some times I have to take it a day at a time and some times even force my self to do any exercise and I think about food allllll the time lol. some days are easy and others suck. BAD. but we learn how to deal with it and I believe talking about it really helps so we are all here for you.

    Unknown aka italian haha I really do hope you feel better soon.

    goals so far
    2/5 days done with the 15k in steps ( both days I hit 20k )
    2/7 days done with tracking all my food
    2/7 days done with 30-60 mins of exercise
    tomorrow are two new classes if I wake up in time I'll try both of them

    I have been on a smoothie kick the past few days, I just maked a cake batter one today ( wasn't as good as I was hoping ) but this one is pretty good.
    1/2 c. Milk ( I use my almond breeze )2 heaping Tbs.Peanut Butter 1 c. Quaker Oats 1 Bananas Sweetener to taste 2 c. Ice ( I don't use any sweeteners or ice, but it says to try it lol
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    I'm doing really well despite knee and foot pain. I'm still slowly walking as much as I can. My walk home tonight was particularly beautiful, so I took a ton of photos on the bridge. I also don't feel out of breath walking up hills anymore.

    All of my clothes are starting to get really loose. I'm okay with shirts/dresses, but all of my leggings are falling. I think once I reach 75 pounds lost, I'll purchase some leggings and ACTUAL PANTS. I've only worn leggings for the past few years.

    I really want to start working out in the morning, but I keep on waking up late. I want to do my marathon training before work, but I'm so nervous. I think it's the usual "I'm afraid of failing, so I just won't try at all." I'm also thinking about how much training is involved, and I know it will be painful and there will be setbacks at times. But I can't think about what I need to do in October. I need to focus on what I need to do right now and build up my endurance. It's time to suck it up and do it! I know I'll feel so much better once it's done. I've come so far and want to keep pushing myself.

    So y'all aren't stuck with coleslaw, I'm sharing a couple recipes I tried this week and love:
    turkey & zucchini meatballs:
    chicken, spinach & artichoke pasta:
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Hey everyone,
    This is gonna be short until tomorrow when I get to the pc. I am so motivated by what I've read in this post. I see 2 lbs lost last week, 10 lbs lost this month, and at first I wondered "gee mat, why have you only lost .4 lbs last week?" And then I realized that I had gotten sloppy. Not logging all my food, skipping workouts, just slipping slowly into the habits that got me here. Tonight I ran for the first time since Christmas. I reset my c25k and started over and I feel great! Thank you all for being my motivation. For reminding me that I can do this if I stay on the wagon, and stop looking for excuses.

    God bless y'all.
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    Mat! Good job man! Running is so inspirational to me. I am just not able to yet so those that can are my heros. You got this buddy.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Jocoblossoming - I'm going to try that turkey meatball recipe! The only new recipe I've tried so far this week is Symphony Onion Soup and although it tastes delicious, MFP tells me it's really high in fat, so I don't want to recommend it here. I'll try to find a good one to post later.

    I went swimming last night and tonight is an actual Aqua class at the gym so I'm looking forward to it.

    Matt - Congrats on recognizing that you were sliding and refocusing!
  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    I ended the day off great. Made it to the gym, worked out with weights. I made all my daily goals yesterday except for making it to the gym before work. I think I am going to put off the morning gym until after all the ice is gone.

    Mat, I am like you I have gotten sloppy too. But it seems like now, I am getting back with the program sooner then I have in the past. Great job for getting back to your routines.

    I have noticed that everyone starts running at one point. When I was younger I didn't like to run (even though I played basketball and tennis). I guess that is something I'm going to have to learn to like.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey everyone!! Today was another great day!

    I made almost 13K steps....was at my 10K fitbit set goal by 6pm!

    I have been trying to walk the isles between work instead of reading a magazine, lol

    Jocoblossoming - you are blowing me away with your step count! You must just walk all day rock!

    Matt - good for you for realizing and getting back on track so quickly....wtg!

    Flora - How did you like the aquafit? I love that type of exercise!

    Michelle - getting to the gym at all is a win, no matter when you go!~

    Speaking of which, I do believe that shot is working, and I was super active today with no negative side effects, so I am gonna make sure I get a good time on the track tomorrow....If I feel it is doable midday, I might go for my fitbit 15K badge......
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Hi, everyone! Nice work reaching your goals! You are right Mat, reading about what everyone is doing is very motivating.

    I'm logging daily (yeah it's a boring task but necessary), one cup of coffee before work and water only at work, new recipe for supper tomorrow (will post if it's good), haven't passed the 8,500 steps yet, and looking forward to meeting a friend to workout after work tomorrow. So far so good this week.

    Gotta get to bed...
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,612 Member
    yesterday was my rest day and it sucked because I just wanted to move and get steps in and do something, but my body needed a break. so I became a bum on the couch ( I did like that part) but in the back on my mind I left like I was doing something wrong, which I wasn't. well back at it. today I have body pump and maybe the treadmill. we will see
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Just finishing my morning hydration routine, going MUCH better now that I can breathe through my nose lol

    Slept in a bit today, until 8:30, really really needed it....was very sore when I woke up from all the extra walking, but now that I have moved around a bit and had my giant glass of lemon water I am already feeling better.

    I am going to do some housecleaning and then go to the Y and try and get to 10K steps before I leave there....then I have to head to Wal-Mart and do some shopping for some projects I have going on this weekend, so hopefully I will make my 15K badge today.....

    I am also going to get my recipe on here either tonight or tomorrow, depending how early I can finish my step goal! So glad this cold is finally totally gone, that was other 'problem' is still lingering but now getting worse, so I will take that as a win for now, as long as its gone in another day or two....

    I am going out to my favorite restaurant for a friend's birthday Sunday (her favorite too), and while I am going to use that as my non log day...I am concerned about really going overboard......I do plan to indulge a bit but I want to make sure I bring some home for later instead of just eating everything there. This is going to be a challenge itself. Like I said in a post weeks and weeks ago, when I do go out to eat, I am stubborn that I get what I really like, I won't compromise and get 'healthy fare' or whatever when I am paying good money to eat out with company, but I just want to try and make it more than one meal, hope I am making sense.....I am also going to make sure I eat super light in the morning beforehand so most of my calories for the whole day will come from that one meal. Anyone care to add their two cents? LOL

  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    Reading about everyone and there steps. I have slacked off a little with my steps since the trainer said I can't do the treadmill now for my cardio. She says my body needs something different. I'm going to have to start walking more at home.

    I have decided to take going to the gym in the morning before work out of my daily goals. With the weather the way it is I am going to wait until it gets out of the freezing temps. Me and I ice are not good friends.

    Since I started weight training this week my muscles are soar. The scale isn't moving very fast, but today I am noticing my pants are starting not to be as tight as they have been.

  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    I went to Aquafit last night and had a lot of fun, but man I am uncoordinated! My knee is bothering me much much more than it should be so I may have to go back to the doctor for it. Even exercising in the pool bothers it.

    I also need to figure out how to handle dinner. If I go to the gym three or four nights a week, how do I get a healthy meal in? Waiting until after working out leaves me ravenous and I am in jeopardy of going way over my calories (even with meal planning). If I eat before I go I am in jeopardy of not leaving my apartment again (I'm an introvert. Any day I don't have to go someplace is a great day!)

    Plus, since all this exercise is new, I am EXHAUSTED all the time. People are telling me it takes a couple of weeks to get that energy boost everyone claims exercising gives.

    I'm sorry if this post sounds mostly negative, but it's what I'm going through today. I know I'll soldier through it.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    tonight's mushroom black bean veggie burgers were not good so going with a recipe a friend shared at work for two options for a quick healthy breakfast in a coffee cup. The link is: Remember to start your day with a healthy start!

    healthy muffin in a minute:
    •1/4 cup ground flax seed meal
    •1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    •1/4 teaspoon stevia powder
    •1 teaspoon cinnamon
    •1 egg
    •1 teaspoon olive oil
    •Optional add in’s: berries, walnuts, or other nuts/seeds

    1) Mix all ingredients in a coffee mug.
    2) Microwave for 1 minute on high. (If using fresh or frozen fruit, microwave for 1:30 on high.)
    3) Dump out of coffee cup onto your plate.
    4) Let it cool and enjoy
    Calories 268. (before add ins)
    Fat 21.0 g (healthy fat)
    Total Carbohydrate 11.1 g (Dietary Fiber 9.0 g)
    Sugars 0.6 g
    Protein 11.5 g

    omelette in a mug:
    •olive oil
    •2 eggs
    •1 teaspoon feta cheese
    •4 cherry tomatoes cut in half
    •3 tablespoons minced spinach
    •1 teaspoon fresh basil (optional but delicious)
    •salt and pepper to taste

    1.Coat the inside of your mug lightly with olive oil
    2.crack and scramble both eggs in the mug, add other ingredients, and gently mix
    3.microwave 1.5-2 minutes (time varies depending on your microwave, but 2 minutes is perfect in mine)
    4.Add salt & pepper and Enjoy!!!

    serving size 1 omelette

    calories per serving: 213

    fat 14.1 g, 18.4 g, carbs 4.4 g

    submitted by: Chris Freytag at
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Michelle - I think that is a good plan, ice can be scary....I am not friends with it either....I have fallen many times on ice and hurt myself badly twice, so I stay clear if possible too, and when I do have to walk around it, I move so slow if I was going any slower I would be moving backwards, lol

    Flora - Its ok to have an off day, we all feel like that sometimes, no need to apologize for feeling that way, rant away, that is what this thread is for!
    The pool is gonna be the easiest way, I hope your knee feels better soon...did you injure it or is this something else? As for dinner, what if you cook one day ahead of time? I used to do that years ago when I worked late. So, after I ate dinner Tuesday night, I would cook as much of Wednesday nights dinner as precook the meat and chop all the veggies etc. Just a thought......another good idea is crock pot meals. I use my crock pot twice a week because my son leaves for work before I get home from work and it is the only way he can get dinner beforehand.
    I feel for you as far as not wanting to leave....once I am in the house, I am in. And when I get an odd day that I do not have to go out, its my favorite day lol.

    Today went great for me again, I am very happy. I had a slow start, and REALLY had to push myself to get to the YMCA, I was -this close- to not going because I felt it was going to put me behind in what else I had to do today....but not only did I do it, I was still on schedule! I am just finishing cooking dinner now (I am a late eater), and then check my steps and if I am close enough, walk the hallways of my apartment building and get my 15K badge! I did some weights too, so that was nice.

    I noticed the new gym schedule has a 15 min "Learn how to Zumba' class, so since Skittles likes it so much, I am gonna make it a point to check that out and see if I like it too :#

  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for the advice Italian_Buju.

    Last night my knee was hurting too much to go to yoga, so I took the evening off from the gym. I did, however, make two new recipes which I am going to share here.

    I made Flavorful Flounder in which I substituted tilapia for flounder and ghee for butter. I used my George Foreman grill. I pretty much hate fish but I need the nutrition it offers so I forced myself. This was actually pretty good! I think the Parmesan is the secret to making it so yummy.

    I also made Tarragon Broccoli to go with it. I substituted vanilla kefir for the sour cream. This was so delicious!

    Both were ready in under 30 minutes. What a win!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey, where is everyone today???

    Here is my recipe.....

    Penne with Chicken and Asparagus

    5 tablespoons olive oil
    2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts - cut into cubes
    1/2 cup low-sodium chicken broth
    1 bunch slender asparagus spears, trimmed, cut on diagonal into 1-inch pieces
    Minced garlic

    Cook pasta until al dente, in large pot of salted water. Drain, and set aside.

    Warm 3 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Stir in chicken, and season with salt and pepper. Cook until chicken is cooked through and browned. Remove chicken to paper towels.

    Pour chicken broth into the skillet.

    Stir in asparagus, garlic, salt, and pepper. Cover, and steam until the asparagus is just tender, about 5 to 10 minutes.

    Return chicken to the skillet, and warm through.

    Stir chicken mixture into pasta, and mix well. Let sit about 5 minutes. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons olive oil, stir again, then sprinkle with parmesan cheese.

    Alright, that is all for tonight....I am heading to bed....I just got off work an hour ago...thank goodness that is over - for the next two weeks -

  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,612 Member
    I haven't posted in a couple days. where have I been haha. yesterday wasn't a great food day for me. but thats ok I enjoyed hanging out with friends I got home late and I'm only running on 5 1/2 hours of sleep but I got up to go to my zumba class so thats a plus and its a new step zumba so I have no idea what that will be lol and back to eating healthy. I got this.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Happy Saturday! Enjoying my day off--up at 7, healthy breakfast, laundry, dishes, and bills paid so time for a coffee and MFP break.

    Reading about how injuries, aches and pains, or being ill can keep us from working out is a tough one for me to struggle with. In the last 10 months, I have had a leg fracture, shin splints, shingles, and a torn ligament in my knee (the other leg). With each, I gain weight, lose flexibility and strength, and have to find motivation to resume working out. Then, just as I get back to enjoying the healthier lifestyle, a new health issue crops up. Beyond frustrating! Okay, rant done.

    Going to finish my coffee, take down the Christmas tree, and spend some time outdoors enjoying the warmer temp (30's woohoo!) and play in the snow.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    WOW active morning jitheis!! I had a pretty busy morning too! I wish it was warm here, or at least warm enough to go outside without the wind feeling like it is skinning you alive!!
    I also understand what you are saying about the health issues, my friends and I were just talking about that, that as soon as I get one thing under control, another starts, and sometimes they just pile up...curiosity of long term type one diabetes of course!!

    Something very nice happened to me today...

    I took my son to ihop for breakfast....we had actually been planning it since Christmas time, and picked today to go (we are both so busy it takes a minute to have time together)....we got there, sat down, took a while to decide what to eat, and I left to go to the bathroom to take my insulin shot. When I came back to my table, the server informed me that the people at the table next to us paid for our breakfast. And it was not cheap, over $60 (ihop!!)......I was so touched....they told me that when I walked passed their table God told them to bless us. I didn't even know what to say! That was a great start to my day, and really strengthened my faith in humanity!

    After we ate, I went grocery shopping and been puttering around at home ever since. Two coworkers came over tonight and we reorganized my pantry (its a walk in)....and then sat around and had pizza and chatted for a while. Nice evening....tiring though, as I worked until after midnight, went to bed at 2am and woke up at 8am...been on the go ever I am gonna charge my fitbit now and once its done, GO TO BED!

    Tomorrow I am not logging, its my day off, I made note of that in my food log....back to it Monday though! Hope everyone had a great day!!
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    Holy crap I dropped down to 318 this morning. I can't say thank you enough for this thread. I dropped 5 # this week by stepping up my game. I was inspired by the posts of all of you and you will be seeing me on here more often. Gonna try to post daiky, make this a real accountability thread for me. I get it now. I don't have a recipe this week but I'm trying one tonight and if it's worth a crap I'll post it tomorrow. Keep on riding y'all, it may be slow sometimes but stay on the trail and you'll get there!