2nd time IIFYMer bulking :))

Im currently in a bulk and using IIFYM to assist me :) Im not planning on competing or anything, moreso just wanna gain muscle and a lil fat for my general health :)
F 44 C 301 P111

Does anyone else find they alwayssss go over protein targets? im always about 20 grams over, but I figure a bit extra protein wont hurt :)

Going on a holiday next week for 7 days and a lil worried that I wont get to track...but hopefully 7 days wont make tooooo much of a diff :)
anyhoo, its nice to meet other IIFYMers and share stories about bulking, maintaining or cutting :)

im currently LOVING all the foods :) hehe.
Feel free to also add me on insta: Skyedaisy535


  • iifymlife
    iifymlife Posts: 16 Member
    I usually always go over my protein goal. According to studies they say 0.8-1.5g per lb of bodyweight or you have people that never go over 1g per bodyweight. Just test your own self and see the results, because everyone is different.
    Hopefully you can download the MFP app and track some foods, otherwise you'll just get back on track when you can!
  • Skyeziepyzie
    Hey thanks for replying :) i didn't track all week and it was lovely to have a break. the day i got back the scale said i gained 2.5kgs, but then a day later it was down 1.4kgs, so im thinking it was all water retention from alcohol and lots of sodium based foods.
    So im happy cause i get to hopefully make gains the right way now.

    And with protein i consistently go over but I was talking with a good friend and she said if i want to grow it wont hurt.
    Before my holiday on my current macros I was losing weight consistently, so im thinking i should up my calories by 100 or so .... Do you have any experience with slowly upping calories without shocking my body too much? Should I up carbs and fats? or proteins too??

    Hahha clearly i am new at this :)