Weigh In Jan 13

Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
SW: 238
LW: 184.2
TW 182.6

A REDUCTION!!! Woo HOO...now to keep it going.

Ok...so food choices are still a challenge. However, I am improving. I'm having to cut the sugar /carb craving that's afflicting me. I read the thread on the sugar yesterday. I've also watched a couple of Dr. Luftwig's videos on the carb/sugar. This is something my diet coach is emphasizing and getting my body to burn protein and fat for fuel versus the carbs. So Sarah - a few more healthy fats from pistachios are MUCH better than another teaspoon of sugar. I had that same situation and that's what both my dr. and diet coach encouraged...just don't go overboard. They encourage almonds as well.

Gotta run.


  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Wow! Great reduction Lois . . congratulations! I also have something to show for all the walking/jogging:

    SW: 156
    LW: 140.2
    TW: 138.2
    Reduction of 2 lbs! I'm very happy with that. I was beginning to think that my body had forgotten how to lose weight.

    I found a free app for my phone . . I think it's called "Days" . . it's just a simple day counter where you type in your goal (or negative thing you want to stop) and it counts the days for you, until you reset it. I put in "consecutive days of exercise", "since drank alcohol", "ate added sugar", and "stayed under 35 total grams of sugar". It's really satisfying and motivating to see the days start to add up.

    Kelly and Lois! Your challenges on FitBit are really keeping me moving . . you guys are great!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    SW: 155
    LW: 146.4
    TW: 145.6

    I still consider this standing still, but given how many extra hours I had to spend at my desk this past week, including 7 hours on Sunday--a day I'm usually active, I'm surprised that I didn't gain.

    I started the "added sugar" challenge on Monday. When I subtracted sugars in milk, cheese, raw fruits and vegetables, I consumed 6.5 grams or 1.6 teaspoons on Monday, and 16.6 grams or 4.1 teaspoons on Tuesday. Most of Tuesday's sugar came from some craisins that I added to the salad I had for dinner (15 of them!). None of this was cookies, cake, ice cream, sweetened yogurt (sigh), or regular bread. Mentioning which, I found a great pita (Joseph's flax, bran and whole wheat) that has 60 calories, 0 g sugar, 8 g carbs, 4 g of fiber, and 6 g of protein. And it doesn't even task like cardboard. LOL

    The problem is that that I feel heavy. When I hit 143.0 that week, I began to lose that "big around the middle" feeling, and I'm looking forward to that again.
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Sarah, that's a good reduction! Especially for a week mostly at a desk. I'm going to look for that pita . . did you get it at a health food or regular grocery store? I miss bread :\
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    SW: 150
    LW: 143.8
    TW: 143.7

    Yep.. that happened. I weighed in on Tuesday, as per normal and that's what it was.
    However.. I did weight myself again this morning and it was at 143.3.. so I'm happy with that! I leave today for my long drive home. I have been finding that my fitbit has been overcounting my steps to the extreme when I'm driving... so don't panic when you see how many steps I have at first. The trick is to go on my computer and add my driving activity, then it fixes my steps up.

    Great job on the losses ladies!! Very impressive!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Sheesh, I buy the pitas at our regular Giant Foods grocery store. I have seen them online, and they seem to be more expensive that way, not even counting shipping. I think a package with six pitas is $3.59 at our store. I use a little bit of olive oil and toast them in a skillet. I won't say they compare with good, regular bread, but they're a decent substitute, and with the high fiber content, the net carbs is very low (4 or 5 grams I think).
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Love the new picture, Kelly! :)
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Wow, this is a quiet group of late. You ladies must be communicating on FB and leaving me here alone! :smile:

    I'm discovering that keeping added sugar out of my diet is not so hard. I've never eaten a lot of cake, pies, cookies, and the like--although I do adore ice cream. My problem is fat and just keeping my intake down low enough to get the scale moving, given how long I have to sit each day.

    I walked last night in the mall, but at a speed I seldom attain. I was exhausted after 45 minutes. A couple of people that I often see there walking themselves mentioned that I was really leaving them in the dust. Maybe if I can keep that up, I'll get out of the 144-146 hell zone I've been in.

    Watched BL when I got in from a meeting last night, and thought about how hard those people push. I need to look up at my quote from Bob Harper more often, i.e., "Stand up and finish what you started." It's on a bulletin board near my desk.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    well, here I am, the straggler of the group. Forgot to wear my fitbit twice, have been utterly swamped at work and had little to no time for exercise before falling into bed at night. Hopefully next week will be a better week, though I know ahead of time Mon and Tues are going to be pretty tough. It is what it is... I'm trying to do what I can to clean a much neglected house before starting all over again in a couple days.

    I consider this week a success as I maintained at 179.4 I would like to have dropped some. Let's see what I manage this week as I do better with my food choices (pizza twice last week during so much of the stress at the office- lunch meeting and then left overs)

    Looks like the rest of you did very well with your weight losses :) Congratulations!
    Sarah, I'm not on FB either... tried to find Sheesh but there were too many choices and I couldn't figure out who she was. The gals have issued fitbit challenges a few times, too but I couldn't figure out how to see the challenge or respond. Oh well, probably wouldn't have had much time to devote to it anyway. I'm tired and need for the pressure at work to lessen.

    Kelly, I love the new picture too. You are a cute young thing, not old enough to start collecting cats yet ;):)
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thought I'd check in. We have managed to get our days and nights turned around. Because I telework, I can sleep later than most and still be working at 8:30. Lately, I find myself still wide awake at 2 in the morning. Not good. We fell into this new pattern over the holidays, and so the plan now is to set the clock in the coming week and get up early so that the body will be tired enough to sleep much earlier.

    Light, I do relate to how hard it can be when work hours increase so that there's not only less non-work time, but we're just doggone tired, too. Hang in there, my friend. I count maintenance during weeks like that as success.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Sarah, hope you can get your nights back to nights. Bummer when one wakes during the night and can't get back to sleep.

    Tomorrow will be one week from the start of our no added sugar challenge. It may be the lack of added sugar or it may be the fact that the sodium from this week's pizza finally passed but I was down one full pound this morning, with no extra effort on my part. it will go on next week's official weigh in but it feels good to see it anyways. Hooray! :) I feel better now, LOL :)

  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Congratulations, Light. A full pound in a week is great for us shorties. I've certainly been through the "go to sleep, then wake up stark, staring awake" thing often enough, but we've just been staying up until 12:30 or so, then taking some time to go to sleep, and then sleeping later in the a.m.

    Yesterday, I had one of those days when I just felt out of sorts for much of the day. Everything annoyed me. I finally got out of the house around 4:30 to walk in the mall for an hour, and then hubby and I decided to go out for dinner. That helped. Hubby reminded me that since I work from home, I need to make sure that I get out some time every day--especially in winter, because lack of light seems to affect me. In retrospect, I should have forgotten about housework and gone out earlier. As I did housework, I saw things that just made me even grumpier! >:)

    But today, I was up, dressed, and we were out of the house by 7:30 a.m. Day one of more morning time. And I feel much better. Came up to log food and then I'm off to walk. For the past few days, my knees have ached (which also made me grumpy yesterday), but they're also doing much better today. What a difference a day makes.

    Hope everyone else is having a nice Sunday. :)
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Sorry - not really MFP related - But GREAT JOB PATRIOTS!!!!

    OK...now that I got that off my chest.....

    Sorry I've been so quiet on here the past week. It's been ridiculously crazy. Sarah while you're stuck at your desk I've been running everywhere in our office and biz events a couple of evenings last week...CRAZY. Not sure how I did it, but I did manage get my 10k steps in...unsure how I got myself to walk the neighborhood each night....

    Worked hard at staying on plan. Not very good today, but I'm still hoping to see a reduction on Tuesday!!
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Am I in? I hope so because you are all doing so well I need a serving of what you're having#
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    YEAH NONNERS!!!!!!!! You found us - FINALLY!!!!!!
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    good to see you here, Cheryl!!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Cheryl aka Nonners, please do join in. So good to hear from you again. Your post was a boost when I logged in last night.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Hey, everyone. Well today's my weigh-in day, and I must say I'm underwhelmed:
    SW: 155
    LW: 145.6
    TW: 145.2

    My stats indicate that I should have a pound loss, which means that I can't be logging as accurately as I think. My daily averages based on the past 7 days were:

    Burned: 1919
    Consumed: 1412
    Deficit: 502
    Activity: 1 hour, 29 minutes
    Steps: 7419
    Added Sugar: 5.6 grams

    Seems that added sugar is not my problem. My total sugar is much higher than that, but its dairy products, raw vegetables, raw fruit. I'd much rather drink milk than take calcium supplements, but 1% milk is the lion's share of my sugar intake. May need to think about that. Carbs were a little high during this time (133 grams).

    Gosh, dang it--my knee keeps talking to me. Actually, it's not really the knee. It's below the knee and toward the inside of the leg. Most likely it's tendonitis, and I know that I should probably stay off of it, but it actually feels better when I'm walking or going up or down stairs than when I'm just standing. Weird.

    Lois, Kelly's suggestion about the water bottles is one you should try. Back in the day, some coworkers and I had to stand for a long, long time on a hotel floor made of stone, and the meeting planner for the event suggested that we buy cold, bottled drinks and roll them with our feet. Became my go-to foot aid when I had work conferences or exhibits.

    It's snowing here today--lovely wet, puffy snow that sticks to the trees. The rhododendron outside my office window looks like it's covered with huge cotton balls. They said a trace, but there's several inches now and it's still snowing like mad. I just hope I can get out to walk tonight before a home owners association meeting that I need to attend.

    How's everyone else doing with sugar and carbs????
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Sarah thank you for your welcoming me back. I appreciate it very much. Looks like you're really putting in the effort and have the statistics to prove it. Stay the course. It's like money in the bank. Your efforts will show up.Your knee is interesting to me. Does this sound like you? http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00335)