Calorie burn - help :(

What's the calorie burn that everyone has been getting doing her circuit trainings? I feel really bad because I push so hard doing her workouts yet only burn max of 150 calories while other girls I see on instagram are hitting more than 200 calories range. I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Pleasehelp I'm getting discouraged :(


  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    my opinion is that it is impossible to know unless you work out in a sealed box and O2 use and CO2 production is measured. HR monitors are not accurate for high intensity intervals like KI workouts. Don't sweat it...actually do sweat it. Work out as hard as you can and enjoy seeing yourself get stronger.
  • JLWright73
    JLWright73 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't be discouraged. HR monitors are really meant to be used for steady state cardio. As andyllll says, they are not accurate for high intensity intervals. Out of curiosity I wore mine during a BBG workout and it said I burned like 385 calories. I knew immediately it was wrong so I don't use it during my workouts.