Thursday, January 15, 2015

maureli Posts: 722 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Love the thread starter! Only one more week and then I can tentatively start training again. I won't be able to go into a pool until I have my official post op...which is another week later...but I can at least start jogging a bit and maybe take a few bike rides.
    Big day oldest baby is turning 7 today! Her party is Saturday, but the actual birthday is today. I'm so amazed at how big she's getting!
    I'm off to buy her actual present this morning (She and her sister have finally discovered Barbies. She keeps wanting to dress them up and take care of them but has a total of 2 Barbies...with 2 outfits. I plan on buying at least some clothes for her to play with) and this afternoon is a bit of a splurge for me where I will get to go get my haircut. An hour alone is always a nice blessing. :)

    Yesterday I got three walks in and it felt great! My energy is definitely making a comeback! I'm hoping that being in shape is helping, since I'm only at week 7 after my surgery and most forums I've read indicated most people take up to 6 months to get their energy back. 7 weeks has felt like an eternity...but it is sooooooo much better than 6 months!

    Sherry - hope you find a good pair of shoes! It's always so hard to balance pushing yourself enough to improve...without injuring yourself. I hope you continue to find that balance!
    - 92tsrhmop6je.jpg
    Here are my three babies. The one turning seven is on the right!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Happy Birthday to your daughter, Valma!

    I'm struggling along right with you, April. Yesterday, though was a win! Today is looking good and I have no commitments this weekend, so my plans are to get to class on Saturday morning and get at least two runs in during the next four days, hopefully three short ones of about 30 minutes. I also have a body work routine that I'd like to make myself do at least twice before my next trainer session, next Wednesday.

    Sherry, I hope the leg is better today and that yesterday was just a twinge rather than a real injury.

    Laura, you are doing so well!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Aww, sweet babies! Happy Birthday to your big little girl! Have fun Barbie shopping, and getting your hair cut. My sister schedules dental appts to get her time to herself, haha. Moms have to take what they can get. :-)

    I'm hanging in here. I took a nap after school drop off (helped my knee immensely) thanks to Dora and Paw Patrol, and just counting the minutes til DH lands in DC and calls. The hardest part of having the kids by myself is that my lil girl doesn't get to sleep-in because of school drop off with me and by 4pm she's a crazed, emotional, overly energetic zombie kid. But we are skipping sons tkd all month which means no 9pm dinners and they can go to bed at a decent hour. Well, have a good one all!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great thread starter, Maureen!

    Happy birthday to your daughter Val! Your kids are freaking adorable. Will be nice to be able to get back into a workout routine, although I suspect you'll tire out pretty easily to begin with.

    Donna I hope you can get back into your routine. Sounds like you're off to a good start, and that you have a good plan to carry that forward.

    Sherry hopefully you can find a good routine while your husband is traveling!

    Between September and early January I gained back 13.2 pounds. That's from my absolute lowest. Wednesday last week I started a 24 day challenge, and as of today (day 9) I'm down 6.6 pounds, so I've re-lost half of what I was up. Obviously a lot of that is water weight (I dropped 3 pounds the first day) but still it's really motivating to move in the right direction.

    For those of you who I'm not friends with, or who don't look at the newsfeed much (I posted it there too) I saw this today and I really liked it:

    "When we start a diet, the first thing we think about is everything we are going to have to give up to reach our goal. We think about the food we won’t be able to eat, the parties we won’t want to go to (because we don’t want to be tempted) or the time we are going to have to invest in working out. What if we could change our whole way of thinking so this isn't the first thought? What if we changed our mindset and we were more concerned about what we are giving up if we eat the junkfood, skip our workout or don’t stick with our program. I mean, what is more valuable? The taste of our favorite cheat meal for 30 minutes or feeling comfortable and proud of our body for 24 hours a day? This year, let’s focus on the prize more than the cost – because, honestly, the cost is so little compared to what we have to gain!!" ~ Bonnie Pfiester
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