
I'm 34 and 5'4. My CW is 178. I have MFP set at 1500 calories with macros of Fat: 108 Carbs: 19 and Protein: 113. Am I eating too many calories? I've been slowly starting Keto way of eating over the last week, and I feel great! However, I've only lost around 4, maybe 5 lbs. I see all the threads in here with people losing way more, and it makes me think I'm eating too much. I looked back at my log and Monday my carbs were higher than they should have been, but overall I've been either slightly over or even under when counting net carbs. I'm constantly thirsty on this diet and have been drinking so much water I feel like a fish. I'm starting today with keeping all carbs under 20, so we'll see if I see some better results. Maybe that is the issue, too many carbs at first. I feel very satisfied with 1500 calories.


  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    I've only lost around 4, maybe 5 lbs. I see all the threads in here with people losing way more, and it makes me think I'm eating too much.

    Most importantly, the initial weight lost is almost entirely water weight, which could be drastically different for different people. Losing 4 pounds in your first week is great (and for you as well its probably just water weight, but its still something to be happy about!)

    In general your first couple weeks you want to just focus on your carb count, everything else will fall into place around it as you adjust.

    On to the calories: <-- I use this calculator to figure out about how much I should probably be eating.

    Doing a rough estimate with your information and choosing a 20% deficit I get:

    1436 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
    20 g Carbohydrates (6%, 80 kcal)
    100 g Protein (28%, 400 kcal)
    106 g Fat (66%, 956 kcal)

    I did put Sedentary in there to get those numbers, so if you're a more active person that may be a bigger deficit for you. But anyway, I think in general it seems like you're doing just fine.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Looks to me like your fat should be higher than your protein. Try dropping the protein just a tad and increasing the fat. It could make a difference. I think your calories are OK.
  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    It's probably too early in "the journey" to be changing alot of stuff. Give it some time, as someone said, the early weight loss is primarily water loss anyway. I lost 2# very quickly, then nothing for over a week. Today, nice decrease on the scale.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,764 Member
    I was already eating lowish carb in general before I began keto (50-70 carbs daily) so I didn't lose a ton of water weight when I switched to keto. 4-5lbs in a week is great.

    I second the person who recommended lowering your protein, maybe upping the fat a little. I set my macros in grams, but the upshot is 20% protein, 75% fat, 5% carbs, though I am fine with 25% protein and 70% fat
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Congratulations on your loss! Starting Keto, like any diet change, is tough. People's bodies all react differently and judging your progress against another's can cause a lot of frustration. When you first start eating this way, you shouldn't be as concerned with your total calories, but where your macros fall. In that regard, I also think your protein is a little high. Keep drinking that water, eat until you feel satisfied and don't obsess with the scale so much. In a few weeks you'll hit your stride and feel more confident about this woe. Good luck.