Beginner runner

I've started running on the threadmill this week. It's pretty cold here and I just couldn't wait running. I go to the gym on my bicycle and then go running there. I have asthma and allergies, so running outside is not a good idea for me. at least not for now. when I've done the 5K on the threadmill I will start running outside, but I might have to take it a bit slower than in the gym. Do more people do this?


  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hi, if the allergies are due to pollen, the cold season (unless you're down under? I assume "pretty cold" means Northern hemisphere) should be optimal for training. Asthma is also to be managed, if you speak to your doctor about starting to run. I'm just saying this in case you have the impression that outdoor running isn't for you currently. Maybe I missed some detail though?