Notice any symptoms after a cheat?

Just wondering if anyone ever gets sick after cheating? I was doing so well there for a bit, and then I had a splurge of a friend's birthday cake and got bad stomach sickness and bloat. Can't tell if it was from some kind of gluten sensitivity, a stomach bug, or food poisoning from the earlier meal:\


  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    i fell awful if i regress. bloat, gas, inflammation / pain, high glucose. headache. yeuck.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    Yup, me too. The nausea is especially bad and sometimes even a headache.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    I fell off the wagon before christmas, eating lots of no no foods and I felt it immediately. Achy joints, upset stomach & bloating, diarrhea (tmi sorry) head aches and stuffy sinuses. Overall miserable.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    kristafb wrote: »
    I fell off the wagon before christmas, eating lots of no no foods and I felt it immediately. Achy joints, upset stomach & bloating, diarrhea (tmi sorry) head aches and stuffy sinuses. Overall miserable.

    This is pretty much me, too, though I don't get the upset stomach so much. Instead, I get more prone to indigestion and heartburn/acid reflux.

    The more I'm off track (like over the holidays), the more things progress:

    General inflammation, which makes itself known by headaches and inflaming the degenerating discs I have. That's usually the first and biggest one, since the discs are at the base of the lumbar area, which makes life in general suck.

    "Seasonal" allergies (runny, stuffy nose) generally come after a few days, especially if I'm in a place with a lot of dust (like my mom's house, which is ancient and dusty)

    Acne, especially if I go a week or more misbehaving with bread and/or high-lactose/high-whey dairy. I've suffered with incurable acne since I was a teenager. My step-dad even had me get put on tetracycline and that didn't help (thankfully, they were the red "pizza face" type ones, but my face was obviously not clear). He was of the camp that thought it was just caused by dirt/oils, so he made me wash my face twice a day, and threatened to have me do it a third time. By the time I went off to college, I had basically given up on it. It wasn't until I cut out wheat/gluten and cut way back on dairy (especially high protein/high lactose dairy) that my face noticeably cleared up, to the point that one time that I visited my parents, both my mom and step-dad commented on how clear my face had become.

    Eczema/dermatitis. This one is generally wheat/gluten triggered, though it's been a while since it actually happened to me, which is weird. There was a time about a year and a half ago, where I got some nasty eczema on my hand (split skin, "thickening," the works) that wouldn't heal even with the corticosteroid cream the doctor gave me. It also itched like hell, and part of it seemed like the gluten intolerant kind of dermatitis (dermatitis herpetiformis). While this was going on, if I ate even one serving of glutenous grains a day, by day 3 it'd flare back up. It took a week of complete abstinence for it to start healing (not matter the stage), and a month or more before it'd clear completely up. At first, I even had to avoid dairy, because the "skin thickening" and more dry feeling was being caused/exacerbated by the dairy, while the itchy part was the gluten. Oddly, though, of all the skin issues I've had in my life, that was the first and (so far) last time I had that happen to me. I have been starting to notice little dry patches and skin changes in the areas that were affected, but it takes a lot more now, so it's for some reason not nearly as bad, but it does serve as a good reminder to back off and get the diet back in order.

    Lethargy/bouts of fatigue. Basically, I've become more sensitive to the glucose spike/drop. I actually ended up taking a nap after dessert at Thanksgiving, because it was so sugar-laden and I fell off the wagon. I ended up crashing about an hour later. That never happened before. More generally, I notice more energy/fatigue cycles throughout the day.

    Hunger. I'm hungry more if too many carbs creep in.

    More prone to colds/infection. Despite having a 4 year old petri dish, I haven't really gotten sick, and the one or two times that we've all gotten sick, I had it the least and got over it the fastest (hubby and kid don't follow my diet, and eat quite a bit higher carb). I often start feeling a cold or some kind of chest infection coming on if I spend too long higher carb, especially if it's a lot of sugar carbs.

    Depression/mental instability. I have Asperger's, and suffer from depression, and what I'm pretty certain is anxiety (though that's not diagnosed). I tend to be more level-headed, less prone to over-stressing, and all-around "stable" when I keep my carbs down and stay away from gluten grains.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    Cravings for more carbs.
  • x_Minerva_x
    x_Minerva_x Posts: 78 Member
    edited January 2015
    I fell off the wagon a long while back, and cheating on my way of life (keto) led me back down the road to getting fat again.

    As soon as I eat too many carbs, or sugary things this is what happens to me:

    Bloat / puffiness
    Acne comes with sugar consumption (for me)
    My hair gets greasier / face gets oilier
    Irritability / mood swings
    Hunger cravings
    Weight gain (the weight comes on fast, and it takes longer to lose than to put it on.)

    I have just resolved to never do cheat days. Honestly, I more than regret it later, and hate the way it makes me feel (bloated, lethargic, fat, hungry and completely defeated.)

  • I felt awful after a cheat day, it was like a hangover. Its put me off ever having another.