Mom of two looking for similar people trying to shed the last few pounds!



  • runningtk
    runningtk Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I am a 39 year old working mother of two from New Zealand. Kids are aged 4 and 5.

    I am working to be in super shape by my 40th birthday.

    I work out in the gym but need motivation eating to support my workouts rather than wasting all the hard work.

    If you are looking for support too please friend me.

  • I have three kids and also looking for support to lose about 5lbs. No clue how to add people!
  • Hi I'm Sarah I'm a mum of 3 my youngest is 4 months old. Trying to lose that last stone so if you would like to support each other then friend me! :)
  • Hi ya! Mom of two as well here, ages 3 and 5. I'm trying to lose the last 12 pounds to get to 140 (5' 8.5"). Granted, I'm already at pre-pregnancy weight, but I am hoping to lose the pounds or at least tone back up again if I can't. I was incredibly tone from swimming and teaching aquacise before I had my kiddos. Now I'm just hoping to get toned at least a little bit. Lol
  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    HEY! I'm a mom of 3 little humans ages 9, 7, and almost 4 (in less than 3 weeks :o ).

    I work full-time and go to school part-time. I'm a runner and a lifter of very heavy things. I eat much more than 1200 calories per day. I'm in better shape now than I was pre-kids. I've been at maintenance for about 3 years now and I follow 16:8 intermittent fasting (most days).

    Add me for an active friend (on MFP and in reality)!
  • Hi all! I'm a mom of one (9 mo old son) and looking for some mfp friends!

    I work from home as a writer and editor. I'm an out-of-practice runner (ran a half and a full marathon in 2013) and outdoorsy type but sometimes get lost in the day and don't get out. I'm trying to lose 10-15 pounds and get into good shape.

    Add me for an active friend, please! (I do better with community :smiley: )
  • Mom of 3 also!! 5'5" 120lbs working to lose the last 5lbs from having babies! My weight typically sits at my love handles hips and thighs!!
  • mistresstomato
    mistresstomato Posts: 19 Member
    I'm almost at the 1,000 day mark on mfp. I only started to support my hubby who lost 150lbs
  • happymom92092
    happymom92092 Posts: 17 Member
    Looking for some MFP buddies to keep touch with. Been here for a long time, but I am stuck for a long time, too, and the holidays were not good to me. Kids are 13 and 9 and both super active and keep me busy. Looking for encouragement and others to check in with to keep me focused. Would love too see some of you in a feed and get more involved here, not just logging my (not so super) daily food intake.
  • Grinage1027
    Grinage1027 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a mom of two beautiful children 5 and 1 already below pre preg weight 140 now 134 have been working out and eating correctly for the last 10 days but still need to tone up my tummy! Add me if you'd like I'm up for meeting new people :)
  • berescga
    berescga Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! 39yo working mom if 3 (15 tomorrow, 12 and 9). I lost 45 lbs 6 years ago, but my weight has slowly crept up since then. I was 135 at my lowest, now about 145, and I'd like to get down below 140 again. I'm way more active now than I was. I run 3 days a week - ran a half marathon last year, but then ended up injured so I'm working my way back to what I was, and I'm hoping to run another half in the fall, if I can stay off the injured list. I also lift weights twice a week. I'm expecting these few pounds I have to lose to come of pretty slow because I want to focus on fat loss - don't want to lose any of this muscle I've worked so hard for! Most of my exercise happens stupid early in the morning before I leave for work (at 6:45).

    Feel free to add me!
  • Mom of two (9 and 5). Lost all of the baby weight, but gained about 20 pounds in the last 2 years since I got remarried. Looking to drop from 145 down to about 120, down to 142 right now. Anyone on here feel free to add me, I need all the encouragement I can get! =)
  • nmmerrell
    nmmerrell Posts: 1 Member
    Mom of 6.. 6 month old twins included! Have Been using MFP for a bit now, have about 12 more pounds to lose!
    Add me!
  • Mom of 3 here!!! My 1st is 5 yrs old, middle child is 19 months old and my youngest is 7 months old!!

    Im trying to lose the last 10lbs to get to pre-baby weight from the last two babies!!! It seems like its the hardest! But with support and encouragement, wecan do it!!!!