5 year old bday party DISASTER

Its my twin boys 5th bday party tomorrow. And to say I'v failed in my lc is an understatment. Anyone any idea how many carbs are in a ton of chocolate and, the worst of all, marshmallows dipped in chocolate !!!
Feeling quite sick now :/
Will try and avoid them tomorrow and start anew.
Anyone any advice, mantra that they say to themselves in situations like this ??


  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Duct tape on mouth might help? Marshmallows dipped in chocolate. OMG Sounds like heaven. I feel for you. So it has happened try to not beat yourself up too much. Tomorrow is another day.
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    you can't change what happened so put it behind you and start anew; you got this fantasticelastic!!!
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    Its ok, it really is. Its one day, one meal, one event. That's all. Next meal, make the decision to eat good, filling, low carb food. The next meal after that, do it again, pretty soon you'll have a full day of eating the way you want behind you and you just keep going.

    Personally, here's how I see it and how I've come to find success. In so much of my life I'm extremely all or nothing. I'm either perfect or a complete failure, and when I fail I beat myself up and that makes it so much worse. I'm working on it, it drives me to be good at the things I do but its not the most healthy way to be. But with my food, that mindset is impossible. I "dieted" for 15 years without success, frequently being perfect for a month or two, messing up once, and just spiraling out of control.

    This time its different. I'm not "dieting", this is just how I eat now, how I want to live my life. There is no other aspect of my life where I am perfect 100% of the time, so why is this going to be any different? I don't want to mess up, this doesn't give me an excuse to give in any time I'm tempted. But, if I do make a mistake, this allows me to tell myself that this is just one day and I'm going to be doing this for decades, and to really just let it go. Its worked for a year so far on low carb :)
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    As for less philosophical ramblings - When I have cheated I do feel physically crappy b/c I'm so not used to carbs, and I do feel the cravings come back for carbs over the next few days. I combat this by doing the same thing I did at the very start... I ignore calories and just make sure I beat the cravings. I eat things I really like, and I just make sure I stay full, I'm less tempted if I'm not hungry. This is probably going to be especially true for you with a house full of 5 year olds and a birthday party for twins. Can you make/order in something you really like for yourself to eat before the festivities/insanity starts? That'd be my practical suggestion. Steak is my go-to favorite food, if I'm having a rough time I either make one myself or go out to a steakhouse nearby that I really like, it fills me up with something I truly enjoy and settles me down a bit.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    The only thing you can control is what you do right now. You can't change the past, or even be sure about the future. Just decide to make the best decisions right now. It happened, let it go and move on from it. We all have our moments of weakness.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    You are an awesome Mom!

    You could have bailed on this challenge, and just taken the whole mess to Cici's Pizza, like I used to do...instead, you cooked, did homemade stuff, and worked hard for your kids.

    Kudos to you!
    (Now, Cici's Pizza for next year! ).