Potassium and Calories

sarysan Posts: 2 Member
How in the world am I supposed to get the recommended 35g of Potassium? Just started keto/paelo this week. Run 3x per week for 30 min as well. What does everyone eat to get enough?

Also, I am finding it very tough to get enough calories per day. Well the recommended minimum anyway. I'm just not hungry. I consume a ridiculous amount of coconut oil on a daily basis too. Does this mean my body may need less than normal?

Lastly, I have hypothyroidism, only semi controlled by mediation so my metabolism is lacking somewhat as it is. This may be a factor.

Sugesstions? I'm new. Thank you!


  • Take a look at this link! We actually can get enough potassium in our diets without realizing it. Meats and vegetables contain more than we think:

    If necessary, there are Potassium Gluconate supplements you can take. I keep a bottle handy, just in case.

    Also, I have hypothyroidism, too. I'm currently on 100 mcg, but it needs to be increased. Bleh.
  • Also, we can be buddies! I'm starting on ketogenic diet journey and I'd love to do it with you. Compare diary entries of our food, et cetera. And I know for a fact that the ketogenic diet suppresses appetite because we feel sated much easier. Get what you need to eat during the day and switch around some things if need be.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    sarysan wrote: »
    How in the world am I supposed to get the recommended 35g of Potassium?

    Its 3.5g, not 35g (3500 mg), hopefully that makes it a bit easier!

    As far as not feeling like you're getting enough calories, can you share some numbers?


    Use that site to help come up with a recommended set of macros. How far under the recommended amount are you? The standard answer here is to listen to your body and not freak out if you're legitimately not hungry. I know nothing at all about hypothyroidism though, so I have no idea how that changes things.
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    I make 00 capsules filled with potassium citrate powder that I buy from Amazon. Each capsule contains about 500mg of actual potassium. I usually take 3 of them a day on top of the potassium I get from foods.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    cdn_beaver wrote: »
    I make 00 capsules filled with potassium citrate powder that I buy from Amazon. Each capsule contains about 500mg of actual potassium. I usually take 3 of them a day on top of the potassium I get from foods.

    Nice idea. I have never gotten enough potassium though I do try.
  • SteveKroll
    SteveKroll Posts: 94 Member
    edited January 2015
    What's funny is that I keep seeing these ridiculously high requirements cited for potassium. Some sources say 3,500 mg. Others say 4,700 mg. Mayo Clinic says 1,600-2000 mg is adequate. I don't think anyone really knows, and individual needs probably vary from person to person. I get, on average, about 1,600 mg per day through my diet. My blood test results from two weeks ago show that I have a "normal" level of serum potassium, whatever that means.

    I honestly think people sometimes spend too much time dwelling on numbers.