Building my home gym

sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
Hey all. I just got the NROL4W book and I am excited to get started. I have been adding equipment to my home gym and I am now on the market for a power rack.

At my local new & used sporting goods store, Play it Again Sports, they have 2 options.

The first option is a used power cage that has the lat pulley system. It comes with an incline bench that also has a curl attachment. The only thing missing is a pull-up bar. It is the Image 5.5 system. Very little information exists about this on the Internet. The price is $350.

The second option is to get the Cap Barbell Deluxe Power Cage - brand new. ( The store has it for $250 - $50 less than Amazon. I would then have to buy a bench separately. The reviews on Amazon are pretty decent. This system does not have the lat pulley system - which is needed for NROL4W.

I am undecided on which one to get. I like that the Image 5.5 has everything I need, but I am nervous about spending so much money on something that is used and I don't know anything about the quality of the product. What would you do?


  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I don't have a cage, but I get the majority of my equipment second hand.

    In all honesty, given the amount of stuff you get with the first option, and for the price, I really would go for the 2nd hand cage. Make sure you go over it a little first though, give the pulley a test, check the bench for rips or excessive rust (a little bit is fine, it can be fixed).