New and looking for advice

Hi there!
I'm new to my fitness pal and have a real problem with eating when emotional on a daily basis i was wondering if anyone had an advice of other alternatives to this that are not eating

thanks guys xx


  • leeloo54
    leeloo54 Posts: 112
    I have been told to find rewards and self-soothing choices other than food. So for me some ideas would be:
    - put on one of my favourite movies
    - take a long hot bubble bath
    - read
    - call a friend for a chat
    - get out of the house, go do something distracting

    Where I find it hard is at night. I need to just tell myself "BRUSH YOUR TEETH AND GO TO BED." If I stay up late, and wander the house, yikes. Recipe for disaster. What are some things that you can do to make yourself feel better when you're upset about something or worried about something?