Tired of being tired



  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    A year later, here I am. Typically, I sleep like *kitten*. Wake up more tired than when I went to bed, and during stressful times I get 2-3 hours of broken sleep.

    That said, this whole year (all 2 months of it) I have slept better than I have in many years.

    1) Less stress.
    Still have stress, I am just managing it better and listen to lots more music, which soothes a savage soul.

    2) More down time.
    I watch less TV and make sure I stop working on the computer 2-3 hours before bed. Still on my phone, but only to read books. Read 6 books so far this year, almost completed book 7 last night but it was getting pretty late.

    3) More exercise.
    All year I have walked to/from work every Saturday/Sunday. About 9 km a day. As of 2 weeks ago I started to walk to/from work every day, not just weekends.

    Over the last 2 weeks in particular, I find when I wake up in the morning it is not a struggle. I wake up, feel fine and get moving. Not groggy or exhausted.

    I have made changes in my life to allow me to make time for exercise, stress relief and downtime. So far, these changes seem to be beneficial to my sleeping too, though that was never a consideration. Just a happy bonus.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,053 Member
    Good to hear.

    Me, I woke with maybe 5 hours of sleep under my belt. Tried to sleep at 9 PM last night but just stared at the back of my eyelids for 30 minutes. Got up and read a book (real paper) until midnight. Woke at 5 AM. Manage with only one trip to the can overnight (normal is about three). Doc said he could give me something for that. I said no thanks. I'll stay off all meds as long as physically possible.