blood test results

buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
Ok, So I had my doc take my reg blood work and include TSH. My tsh went from 0.029 to 0.074, up on lower dosage.
although my LDL is now 98 (range 0-99) my Tryglycerides are showing High at 187 ( range is 0-149)
Sugar : 99 and Cholestrol total 195
I dont eat meat, evercise daily aerobic and strength training...
looking to see if anyones see anything in these results


  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    My cholesterol was borderline high several months back, despite a healthier diet, but the doc thinks part of the problem might have been due to a med I was taking. I no longer have need for that Rx, so hopefully my blood work will be better next time. I know it's a small possibility, but maybe check the side effects of any other meds you might be taking.
    Hopefully someone else will see this and have a better theory.
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    Thank you. Im only on Synthroid and my doc request ed I take mega red omega 3 fish oil 2 x a day for 3 months and she will retest!
  • bama1030
    bama1030 Posts: 4
    Your TSH is fine and LDL OK, but your elevated triglycerides combined with blood glucose pushing 100 makes me wonder about your carb and protein intake since you don't eat meat. Excess carbs, especially of the refined variety, will drive up triglycerides. Moderate increases in protein and fiber along with some reduction in carbs may help to lower the triglycerides and keep the blood sugar from going any higher. Don't eat carbs by themselves if you want to control your insulin response - always combine with protein and some healthy fat (nuts.) Fish Oil is always a good idea if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease. My family history is riddled with heart disease, strokes, diabetes, autoimmune thyroid disease, and kidney disease. I've been on blood pressure and cholesterol meds for many years in spite of eating a very healthy vegetarian diet for over 20 years. We can't change our genetic inheritance, but I really believe a healthy diet and lifestyle helps a great deal even if our "numbers" don't always reflect it.
  • buildingdreams
    buildingdreams Posts: 173 Member
    thanks, my doc told me to take megared and will retest in 3 months, I dont eat pasta, rice or cheese. It very well could be genetics but I dont want to deal with the health issues my parents suffered through and have made changes years ago. other than megared, not sure what else to do