I'm baaaack. ugh.

Good morning Sarah, Light, Sheesh, Kell and most of all Lois, whom without I'd have never found you again!! JEEZ! is this group hidden away on this website! Good morning too to the new names I don't recognize. I spent some time last light lurking through your messages and "catching up." If you are new to the group but not an active participant, I encourage you to speak up. This band of women have saved me time and again.........and here I am to be saved once more! They also are an inspiration to me.......you girls are doing SO GREAT!!!! I want some of what you're having!

By way of introduction, I just turned 63. Married, two daughters, five grandchildren. Love camping, hiking, kayaking (anything on the water), cooking and eating. I retired 6 years ago and SO looked forward to all that "free/me time." Almost immediately I broke my foot and spent 5 months not walking, looking at my hard cast. It was a rude awakening to what "could be" the "Golden Years" if I didn't get myself healthy. It was a very depressing time. So even when 50 steps a day were my painful goal I bought myself a Bodybugg and met these ladies. Four years ago I joined a Dragon Boat Team. That'll get you mov'n!!!! I ADORE it. My greatest strength is that when I am "in the zone" I am focused and unstoppable. My greatest weakness is that when I trip out of that zone, I don't just fall down, I fly away into oblivion, losing control of everything. There is little in between. I've been in that in between hell for months.......but Dragon Boat Season begins May 4th and the past two weeks, borne of total fear I won't earn my seat in the boat back has me in the zone and on track. Even scarier are those flippin' spandex shorts they make you wear in public.

The past year has been an unkind one. Multiple illness, multiple deaths, family problems, stress in my marriage. Some people drink. Some smoke. Some do drugs. I stuff my fat face thinking "this" just might be the thing that makes me feel better. It never does.

I started - REstarted at 166.8, the highest I've been since the day I met any of you. I have been really good the past two weeks being mindful of what and when I'm eating, logging food and most importantly, walking. I know all too well that if I don't move, I don't lose. Southeastern Ohio winters (in the mid-Ohio valley) aren't particularly conducive to outdoor activity....and it's also just another easy excuse for me to do nothing. My goal is to lose just one pound per week until May 4. My written goal is 149 but my "race weight" is 153 - that's the number that will earn me my seat..........so if I keep my eye on the target this is VERY doable. 14.6 pounds in 16 weeks. Sounds almost easy, doesn't it??

How much would you weigh if you lost just one pound per week for 16 weeks? Let's do it together, competition fuels me!!

Missed and love you all. Thank you in advance for always taking me back.



  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    I took a lunch break and checked into the boards and saw your post. Isn't it amazing that a handful of us from the old Bodybugg SNS team are still together and still plugging?

    I have backslide, too. When I got my Bodybugg in February of 2010 (my how time flies), I wore it for few weeks to get some baseline data and then started steadily losing about a half pound a week, going from 155 in February to 130 in December.

    Well, as you can see from Wednesday's weigh-in, I didn't stay at 130. Instead I inched up to the mid-140s, and I have lost and regained the same 3 or 4 pounds for too long now. I am determined that I will not become complacent and stay here.

    I think part of the problem is that my body got used to the higher activity level and lower intake that resulted in the losses four years ago. And I'm finding it hard to put in the increased effort that it will take to get things really moving again. And, like you, I sometimes use food as a comfort. Especially after a long, stressful work day.

    So this group is important motivation for me, and I'm so glad to have you back. We are going to try to have more group challenges this year. I'm really thinking about wearing a fitbit and a bodybugg. How obsessive is that?

    As to your question--If I lost 1 pound a week for 16 weeks, I'd be back at my goal. If I lost even a half pound a week for 16 weeks, I'd be back in the high 130s and I'm sure I would not be avoiding my reflection in store windows when I walk in the mall, the way I'm doing now.

    I am envisioning you in the back of that dragon boat, Cheryl. You can get there!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    I'm so glad you're back on the boards Cheryl!! The more people that post and check in, the more motivation we are able to provide for each other. It makes me excited to come and check the boards, when I know there will be more than one post to read. Welcome back! Now it's time for me to kick your butt in this step challenge >:)
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Okay SNSers. This poor old Bodybugg (or rather, BodyMedia) user doesn't know what the step challenge is yet. What's the goal, or are we just trying out step each other?
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    There are a bunch of different challenges on fitbit mobile now. The one Cheryl challenged us to is a daily step goal one. We basically have to try and out step each other. There is a work week one and a weekend one as well. They also had a holiday one over Christmas. So far they are all about getting lots of steps.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Sarah - you need to get one (a Fitbit) so you can be motivated as well.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Maybe I'll wear both. More is better!! : :)

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    I did wear both for about a month...to get a fair comparison...and then my bugg died...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my fitbit
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Cheryl, I know you can do it!

    Lois, I ordered a FitBit Surge HR . . the Flex they sent to replace my Force is already coming apart. It was free, but still . . .

    Kelly, you are SO AWESOME! Come on here often to motivate me!!!

    Sarah . . get a FitBit and join us. I love it!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Wow, Kelly! More than 20,000 steps in a day. I lost the Bodybugg data when that site went down, but I've only done that twice in the 2 years I've had the Bodymedia. You rock. :smile:
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Cheryl, I know the fitbit folks see your acitivity but since I don't, I wanted to check in to say hello. Haven't seen you on the board for the past few days.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Thanks ladies! You sure do keep me going and I can't tell you how much I apprciate it!