Looking for vegan & raw vegan friends

I'm a vegan who recently transitioned to a high raw diet. I am an ethical vegan and raw for health reasons. Please feel free to add me if you're vegan or raw vegan thx


    MrsNATRAT Posts: 18 Member
    Hi :smile: I'm on the same path. Feel free to add me too!!
  • Cailia
    Cailia Posts: 15 Member
    I'm right there with you. Feel free to add me, as well. :)
    NCGOALIEMOM Posts: 80 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been primarily raw vegan for years. I've fallen off the wagon twice now... and I'm looking to get back on for good. I'm tired of my weight yo-yoing and fighting to lose the same pounds I've lost before. I never feel better than when I'm raw vegan. So you'd think it would be a nobrainer :(