First time ever having to Diet and Exercise. 26, 5'2 about 130lbs

So I have never had to watch what I eat, I mean never. My boyfriend used to swear I had a tapeworm. I had a fairly active job (entertainer on/off as well as a waitress in a very busy bar) but I gave those up once I became serious with my boyfriend. And then suddenly I turned 26, and my metabolism broke up with me. August 2013 I was roughly 110lbs at 5'2, I have a fairly petite frame, now I feel at that time I was almost too small, but not so much that you wanted to force feed me mashed potatoes and twinkies. By March 2014 I was up to 138lbs, I didn't admit to myself I had gained so much until I acknowledged I went from a size 1-3 to a size 9 in my jeans. Currently I am at roughly 130, I did get down to 125, but the holidays happened. So here's the deal. I don't mind exercising, in fact once I start I push myself extremely hard and enjoy it, but it's getting actually started and motivated to do it. I need some people who want to join in with me and say "come on stop what you are doing and do 15 minutes of cardio with me". Next, I have the appetite of a line backer, I am trying to do 1200 calories a day to lose the most weight as possible, apparently I am not good at this. So I would like to have some partners who will help me come up with good low cal/carb/sugar snacks that are filling as well. My problem areas are my obliques, lower stomach, and I would like to tone up my thighs and butt. Also any tips on how to boost your metabolism as well would be AWESOME, because I really really really love food.. It's an italian girl problem I swear.


  • neotericisis
    neotericisis Posts: 13 Member
    I am in the same boat, BUT everyone in my family told me it would happen when I was around 30, and yup, it is happening (everyone was super skinny on my Dad's side and then blew up at 30- but I'm nipping it in the bud NOW). I was always super skinny, struggled to be a size 0, was a size 14 in girls. I am 5'6" and was about 100 lbs. I had my son (who is now 5 1/2) and I went up to a size 2. I gained a bit of a pooch, but nothing major, still bikini acceptable. Welp, I am 28 now and I am still wearing my size 2 clothes (though I can hardly zip them up and it digs into my sides when I sit- I refuse to buy new clothes). My gut is huge and now for the first time I have love handles. I joined MFP 2 years ago hoping to gain weight and I gained it alright! sheesh! I love being bigger (I guess I would be a 4/5, who knows, I'm not buying new clothes so I won't go there), but this gut has got to go. It hangs over my pants and pokes out as far as my boobies (sadly I'm still an A cup LOL). I've been eating very clean since Jan. 1st and I've realized that battling the belly has coincided with battling my budget. I was used to eating whatever I wanted, but I realized I was spending a whooping $800/mo on eating out! Yes, $800. So lets hope this whole bringing food from home thing and eating clean lifestyle helps out both my belly and my budget. I just want to be able to fit my clothes again (being able to rock a bikini this summer won't hurt either!). Plus that savings would be a great to add to my son's college fund! (Gotta start early)