Wine (Whine??)

Will folks weigh in (sorry) about drinking wine on a carb restricted path?


  • chefjoe250
    Typically the sweeter the wine the higher the carbs because it's high in sugar. A typical Moscato for example can have 12-16g carbs in a single glass. If you want to drink wine steer more twords the reds
  • tru2one
    tru2one Posts: 298 Member
    Dry whites (chardonnay, sauvignon, some vouvrays, dry rieslings, etc.) are my go-to for "sipping." The alcohol itself doesn't interfere w/ my losing or maintenance as long as I track the carbs, it's the impulsive (and bad for me) food choices I tend to make when I'm regularly imbibing that are the issue for me. I'm currently leaving alcohol out of the equation because I'm on a roll w/ my commitment and motivation and want to keep riding that wave as long as I can. ;-)

    A tip: the higher the alcohol content in a wine (drier), the lower the residual sugar and the lower the carb count. Shoot for 11 or 12% and up, but know that the wine will not be very sweet. Also keep in mind that your body will burn your alcohol calories before anything else in an attempt to expel what it recognizes as a toxin from your body. If you're already losing slowly or are stalled, you just might not want to go there yet.

    And in parting, a warning: When low carbing, and especially if you are keto adapted, alcohol may not behave in your body the way you're used to, ie: you're likely to find yourself firmly planted in "drunk" territory with what used to only leave you pleasantly buzzed. Proceed w/ caution! ;-)
  • emilymean
    emilymean Posts: 159 Member
    Stick to dark reds, merlot, cabernet and everything else for the day either fats or protien. Once a week and don't over do it. Works for me.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Wine takes me off track- maybe OK once you only have a little to go. I have whiskey and diet ginger s way lower in carbs. Will switch to gin and tonic in the summer!
  • dawniewest
    dawniewest Posts: 37 Member
    I drink dry whites and reds diluted with club soda- spritzer style. I feel like I'm getting more that way. I can't use diet soda mixers..allergic to the sweetners, I get terrible head aches so if its liquor, its on the rocks!
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    I am a wine drinker and I always look for the highest alcohol content as it is then the lowest sugar. That being said, it's still carbs and hard to track accurately as wine doesn't have nutrition labels. I just log my dry whites and reds as the lowest carb count entry I can find, and then the sweet ones as a higher one. Lowest carb will be a dry white, and I do also add club soda to stretch it sometimes. I find that if I have it after a good bout of exercise it doesn't affect me. It will if I am more sedentary.