
Hello everyone
So, I made a little progress in the past two weeks. I lost three pounds. Not a lot, but something. I a couple of set back, but not going to give up. I even started getting up a little earlier each day so that I can get on my treadmill for about 1/2 every day. Just started that this past Thursday. Well I hope that everyone will have a good week. Would love to hear some good idea on sugar free snacks if anyone has any.


  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    If you are into liquids, Vitamin Water ZERO is good. When I stopped drinking soda, this is what I stared drinking instead of the diet stuff.
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    By the way, 1.5 pounds/week is my goal so what you are doing sounds good to me!