Weigh in day 1/25/15

My weigh in day for my team is Sunday. I started here on a Tuesday. After thoroughly confusing myself trying to sync Fitbit, MFP and that stupid phone I am going to just use Sunday as my weigh in day (along with the current weight) for everything. (Besides, that system shows a loss....the Tuesday weigh in makes me look like I've GAINED. Nuts to that!! - and I'm still trying to figure out that one!)

I've had a really good week and I am proud of me. It was a stressful week in the house but I was able to hold the line; even one day saying "I'm going to the corner for a minute" and coming home after an hour walk. I had a monthly lunch out with friends that is always a pig fest and 3 hour wine party, but I had a teeny little salad with chicken and black coffee. (Staying strong in that kind of situation is big for me!!!) Despite our lousy weather I have been able to get my 10,000 steps in every day, even if it included getting to the grocery store and walking isles combined with walking in the dark. Today looks discouraging.....ice stops everything and it doesn't feel like a great start to the new week.

On the positive side, I did well this week with eating. MFP says I need to "eat more" and I'll watch that. I have done 32 miles and 77,931 steps averaging 11,133 daily (my goal is 10,000.) I HAVE SO ENJOYED, BEEN MOTIVATED BY AND BENEFITED FROM the "challenges" on Fitbit Kelly and Lois. I LOVE getting the updates - last night when I was "done" I just sat down and got a message that Lois had just passed me. I got my butt right back up and did another 1,000 steps! Love you guys, and I appreciate you!

These are my numbers from the boat house (Coach is pleased.)

Starting weight: 166.8
Last weight: 165.6
Today's weight: 164.00


  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Great job Cheryl!! I'm so glad you're back and you're doing so amazing. I'm proud of you too :smile:
    I agree.. those challenges sure get me off my butt most of the time. Yesterday was insane! I worked my *kitten* off to make sure I got in the lead and managed to get over 20,500 steps in. That was 30 minutes on the treadmill in the morning, walking to and from work 4 times a day, getting up from my desk and randomly walking around, walking in place at my standing desk and another 30 minutes at 6:30pm once I was done work. Phew.. I'm tired just typing all that. We'll see how today goes...
    My weigh in day is going to change back to Tuesday's from Wednesday's because of my travel schedule this week. One less day in the week for me, but ah well.. it is what it is.
    Thanks for all the motivation you all give me. I really appreciate the friendship's we've made over the years :D
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Good job, Cheryl :) And again, it's great to have you back with us :) Great job sticking with your plans and not getting derailed with what was going on :)

    I had established my weigh in day as Wed so that I could do the last chance workout with BL on Tues and also because I am supposed to get off work early on Wed but then BL changed to Thurs and my work load eliminated my early out for the last few months. I'm hoping to start getting back to Wed reporting in. Shoot, I'm hoping for a little more time for stepping, though there is no way that I can keep up with you gals. 5000-6000 seems to be the best I can do before putting my feet out of commission. But I need to start getting those 5000 steps in.

    For now, I need to start prepping food for my upcoming lunch boxes...
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Awesome job Cheryl! Great to have you back! OMG Kelly! You're steps are unbelievable!! The challenge was so motivating and fun! Thanks ladies. I really appreciate you all!!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    SW: 150
    LW: 143.3
    TW: 141.6

    Yeehaw! Down more! Soooo close to those 130's!! This is the lightest I've been in years and it feels amazing. And I feel so much healthier than when I first started and that's the main point.

    I'm really loving these Fitbit challenges! Definitely keep me moving.

    I woke up this morning with what feels like knives in my throat and foggy head. Hopefully I can kick this, as I REALLY don't want to be sick. BLAH. Tons of water today and tea to try and give it a boot in the butt out of my system.
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    Kelly congratulations! I am proud of you and even happier for you. This is the lightesr ypu've been since I know you - doesn't it seem like everyone is SO JAZZED!?!? LOVE the challenges!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Way to go Kelly!! I'm so happy for you . . especially that you feel healthy! There's nothing better! I hope you get over the mild set-back of a cold ? Take zinc :)

    My weigh in day is today:

    SW: 156
    LW: 138.2
    TW: 136.5
    Loss of 1.7 lbs.

    WootWoot!!! All the stepping and logging food and NO SUGAR or alcohol is finally paying off! Thanks ladies for challenging me and making it fun :D
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Way to go Kelly!! I'm so happy for you . . especially that you feel healthy! There's nothing better! I hope you get over the mild set-back of a cold ? Take zinc :)

    My weigh in day is today:

    SW: 156
    LW: 138.2
    TW: 136.5
    Loss of 1.7 lbs.

    WootWoot!!! All the stepping and logging food and NO SUGAR or alcohol is finally paying off! Thanks ladies for challenging me and making it fun :D
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Way to go Kelly!! I'm so happy for you . . especially that you feel healthy! There's nothing better! I hope you get over the mild set-back of a cold ? Take zinc :)

    My weigh in day is today:

    SW: 156
    LW: 138.2
    TW: 136.5
    Loss of 1.7 lbs.

    WootWoot!!! All the stepping and logging food and NO SUGAR or alcohol is finally paying off! Thanks ladies for challenging me and making it fun :D
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Okay, okay. My weigh-in day is tomorrow, but today, I'm on my pity-pot, so someone knock me off!

    Work is still requiring me to sit 10 or more hours a day. I can take breaks to walk around the house or get on the treadmill, but if I do I have to add more time to my work day. And even doing this, I'm still always behind at the end of the day. Arghhh.

    But here is what is getting me. I must have had extra salt or something, ecause the scale has jumped up almost 3 pounds over the past couple of days.

    According to BodyMedia, my 7-day deficit is 250 average per day, which is not the 500 that I'm now aiming for--but it isn't in the positive numbers either.

    Most days, I'm okay. But today, I'm in the "why am I still stuck at a desk 10 hours a day at 62 years of age" mode. I know I should be proud that I'm doing work that helps change people's lives and that at 62, I can work circles around folks half my age. But gosh darn it--I want out of these 140s. NOW. YESTERDAY!!
  • cherylmellan
    cherylmellan Posts: 35 Member
    OHHHH SARAH!! I so wish I had seen your note earlier. It's my bedtime, and with the schedule you're keeping I hope you are LONG asleep now!

    Firstly, we know for CERTAIN you didn't gain 3 pounds this week - although there's not a one of us who can't empathize with the brick you must have felt to your head when you saw it. That's not reasonable Sarah and it's easy to confirm that. 1 pound = 3500 calories. To gain three pounds you would have had to eat 10,500 calories OVER the number of calories you are allowed daily this week. You didn't do that, did you (you little devil??) Your calorie deficit in fact shows you should warrant at least some sort of loss, even if it's not what your goal was. DANG IT! we all crave the reinforcement of that "number!!!" There are SO MANY healthful measures, and that is the damned one we're ALL hung on.

    Secondly - your work schedule is insane. You might have had a larger sodium intake than you realized which caused some water retention. Did you know also that water retention is prevalent not only in women, but moreso as we age - and even moreso in those who sit for an extended period of time. Even if swelling of your feet and ankles is not noticible, you may be retaining. Do you wear dress shoes at that home job of yours? I'd likely be wearing my slippers. (Might be fun to fool with a tape measure. Find out too how much just one pint of water weighs. Imagine one pint of water dispersed over your body....you wouldn't even notice it.) Do you have regular bowel movements?? (I worked in the medical field and know all the "sizes" and descriptive words for every BM you've had in your lifetime.) This is sincerely though also a consideration when we have those unexplained jumps. Think "ounces." If you use a kitchen scale you might have a reasonable ballpark idea of what "4 ounces" in mass looks. Having irregular bowels throws everyone off, from newborn to geriatric. You may now never poop again that you're not consciously "measuring." HA!! Ask me anything about poop!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why are you stuck at that desk?? (This is what made me want to answer before going to bed.) You touched my heart. I suspect you are overtired, overstressed and a little emotional. As a 63 year old person I can better address this question than anyone. You're "stuck at that desk for 10-12 hours a day" and still behind because you haven't quit. I don't know one person who "works at home" - no matter what their age or job description - that isn't getting screwed, who lives in fear of not meeting some impossible quota and who is overstressed. Every single one of them works three times harder than they would in an "office" seat. Maybe it's a financial necessity that you work. Maybe on most days you love your job and don't WANT to retire. Maybe (like my husband) you're scared. Dale turned 62 last month (and me 63.) Financially, he can retire and we will be "comfortable." Not rolling in dough, but "comfortable.") He's fearful of "taking that step" and I keep my mouth shut. He'll know when it's time. This will be my 5th year off, and I have never once looked back. I loved my job working with children and had the best boss in the world. Every day was interesting, fast paced and gave me an opportunity to learn something. Some days my heart got broken and I cried buckets, but the good days far outnumbered the tragic. Honestly, lots of times I came home literally praying in the car because I was so lucky.........I'd do that job for NOTHING!!! I haven't missed it once. I have maintained friendships with several of my patients moms - and more than several of my now grown patients. Who needs work??? I am fulfilled in other ways, and some of them even focus on ME!! From the bottom of my heart Sarah, part of the "stress" I've talked about includes the fact that we lost 6 friends last year. It has caused me many many sleepless sand regrets. "If only I would have" has pretty much been my mantra. You know what? That job doesn't seem so spectacular anymore. If you don't HAVE to work, what price tag would you put on your stress? How "alive" are you on days off. Working 10-12 hours a day, I don't suspect you have too much free time on weekends for "fun stuff." Just food for thought girlfriend. I've learned it the hard way.........and the time for "choices" is lost to me. I'm trying real hard to make better ones these days.

    You're doing fine!! Stay on course and the results will show up eventually. Don't let it get you down - THAT is the hard part, eh???

    So by the time you're weighing in, I'm going to be sleeping.

    G'nite. Angels on your pillow.
  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    SW: 238
    LW: 182.0
    TW 182.2

    OK...I was good over the weekend, though we ate out all weekend, it was of healthy choices. THinking excess sodium as a possibility.

    Well if you know me on Facebook, you know i spent yesterday at the Phoenix Open. BARELY made my j10k steps but I also consumed a bloody mary and three cranberry/vodka....WTH? Headed back to the open today and even though I'm back in the free food/drink zone, going to really watch my intake as I was up almost two pounds today from yesterday!!! ANd I have another day on Saturday at the open. Today I am going with my trainer, so we can at least get steps in by walking a bit and then to our car instead of the bus back to the parking area.

    The weekend FB step challenge was INCREDIBLE. Though we sometimes don't have the best meal intakes in our group - we have one heck of a competitive group. at 42k steps in two days and I still was only in 2nd place. Kelly won by OVER 3k more steps. Amazing.

    AND MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to all of you ladies and your incredible, well-deserved reductions!!! I Love coming on the boards and see those numbers change and the energy in your notes!!! It is absolutely contagious!!! We are going to get where we all want to be and I just love that we are each here to cheer and motivate one another.

    Cheryl - I'm so super happy you found us on the boards Your note to Sarah was incredible and it does touch my heart deeply!! YOU are one special lady with a way with words!!!

    OK...off to watch Tiger, Phil, Rickie, Dr. J and Bruce Arians (AZ Cardinals FB coach) chase a little white ball all over!!

    I'll check back tomorrow!
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thanks for the kind words and concern, Cheryl. It is touching when one of us takes so much time to "talk" to another one us, which is what makes having this team so important, at least to me.

    The answer to your question about why I work so much is complex. First off, I do need to work as long as I can for financial reasons. Started over in mid-30's after a divorce and current hubby and I both work as public health contractors. I won't go into the details here, but we've never had company pensions, and for a lot of our work lives, not even 401Ks. So creating a nest-egg for retirement has been challenging. Hubby also started his own company a number of years ago, and in the early years, often paid staff but not himself. And then just when that phase was over and the money started coming in, the regulations around his work changed, and small companies like his could no longer bid for the work, so he had to start working for the other guy again. Also, neither of us have or will inherit anything, and we may even need to help the one remaining parent, so we factor that in, too. We also live in an area we love, but where the cost of living is sky-high.

    I also have to admit that it's just my nature to work a lot. As I age, I'm seeing that I need more balance, and I'm doing better, but there's just always more to do than we can get done. And the new technology means that every thing we do is visible, and accuracy is imperative in my field. And because of technology, everybody expects things quickly.

    BUT--I am very blessed to do interesting work and I've been able to telework since way before teleworking was common. I'd much rather sit at a desk for an extra couple of hours than be stuck on the beltway or the metro for the same amount of time. And I do a have a pretty full life despite my work hours. :smiley: We have a great network of friends, and I try every week to do something for others. Not family. It's nice to do for family. But I feel strongly about the need to contribute to our communities and beyond.

    BUT--every now and then I hit that wall. And yesterday was one of those days. It's so nice to know that someone can sense that from a short post and will take the time to make suggestions. I chuckled at the poop thing. :smiley: Years ago, hubby developed diverticulitis and his surgeon suggested that he take lots of Metamucil. He credits it with keeping him out of the hospital. And because it's always here in those 10 gallon drums that everything from Costco comes in--I take it, too. Regular, yes by gosh, I am!

    And now I end with this, which I hate, but I have promised myself to always be honest on this board.

    SW: 155
    LW: 145.2
    TW: 146.6
    GW: 130

  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    First . . sorry about the triple post :p There was some glitch where the button "post reply" didn't work . . I clicked it several times . . so of course . .

    Sarah, my dear friend. You're a better person than me, so I feel stupid giving any advice. I devote a lot of my time to my family, my home, my friends and neighbors. . but mostly to myself, I must admit. Well, hubby and family are a really close second. I would give anyone the shirt off my back, and I did A LOT for my parents, children, and siblings. There came a time when I had to start pacing myself. My body just couldn't do as much. I had to re-prioritize, and move myself up the list. It felt wrong. I felt guilty. I felt like it was at the cost of really important things, but I had to do it. I knew it in my body and soul. I understand and agree that having to continue to work is way up there on the list . . we have to survive. My only suggestion might be to look at little things you might be able to change. Delegate some responsibilities? Resign from one charitable post? Invest in a walking desk? Let more "chores" just slide? Rid yourself of one or two stressors? Maybe you can't, and I know it's really hard. And, I know you're smart and have already thought of all these things. A few years back, my family had to really think outside the box. Hubby's health went in the tank . . neck surgery that was unsuccessful, prostate cancer, stomach problems, chronic pain. I had to have heart surgery. We had a lot of job and family stress. We chose to completely downsize our home and our life. It's been so much better. :)

    Meanwhile, it isn't like you're sooo overweight and unhealthy. . no!! Keep at it, and keep your sense of humor. Good thoughts from me . . . <3
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    I adore you all and am so happy to have found such good, supportive cyber friends. Sheesh, your hubby and mine share neck and chronic pain, but it sounds like you've had more health issues to deal with than we have, so it reminds me that I really have it pretty good. Some days, like Tuesday, I just get tired and frustrated. It is good though to really think about what I need to work on, what I do well, what I can control, and what I can't. I was talking to a friend tonight who calls me every Wednesday at 6 p.m. She lives downtown--we're in the 'burbs. I told her that I was thinking about why I work so much, and she laughed and said, "It's Washington! It's what we do." :smiley:

    Thankfully, after we hung up, I remembered that another thing I do is walk, so I made it to the mall, and although Wednesday's is usually her church night, I met up with another evening mall walker who is becoming a good friend. I told her how frustrated I am with my weight bouncing around in a 3 pound area and never heading back down, and she reminded me that many people throw in the towel when that happens, and I haven't. And I won't. So now it's 20 minutes after midnight, and I'd better get to bed. 'Night all.
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Sorry I haven't been posting on here for the past few days. I'm home now and finally found time to read your posts. I've been sick with a darn head cold and have barely moved in the past two days. Now that I feel like I'm slowly getting better, it's -33C with the wind outside today :( so..my friend and I are going to go shopping instead for things for her nursery! By golly, I'm gonna get my steps in somehow.
    Sarah, I hope you're feeling better. We've all had those self pity party days and they are sooo difficult to get through. It's so great to have the support of these amazing ladies on here. They always help make me feel better.
    I'm currently watching The Biggest Loser finale right now on my PVR...so I'll read that post and comment once I'm done. I'm surprised i haven't spoiled it for myself yet and I still have no idea who won.