TEMPTATIONS ~ What are your temptations and how did you or how are you going to deal with it?



  • Kekineo
    Kekineo Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks Bethlauren I'll check it out. Was gonna exercise today so I'll check it out before I start. And yes, a lb is a lb and I'll take what I can get.
  • chamblisk
    chamblisk Posts: 296 Member
    Not sure how I missed this thread before....didn't realize how many of us are in our local school districts! Another "small world" moment. I am slowly making changes to improve my diet but I am not yet able to turn down the treats and snacks that are rampant in school! It is getting better but diet has not been my focus yet. That will be the goal for next month, perhaps. I don't know, though. I do love to eat!!
  • bethlauren8
    bethlauren8 Posts: 80 Member
    I am in the health office, which is connected to the main office where the treats usually are. I rarely go up there. It's easier to resist temptation if you don't see temptation! I do have to go that way to fill up my water bottle, but the treats are not a daily thing so it's okay. You will find that it gets easier to say no to the treats, and when you can't say no it's okay, include whatever it is in your daily count. I also keep a drawer full of my snacks which I munch on all morning long. Granted, veggies are not as satisfying to me as chocolate, so I bring my own. Fiber One brownies, or Special K salted caramel bars work!
  • styczycl
    styczycl Posts: 2 Member
    Sugar is my crack!! At 59 years old, it is embarrassing to admit this, my children have grown and moved out, so it is my husband and me. I am usually pretty good about meals, it is the craving for sugar after all meals (especially at 3PM at work) All suggestions appreciated and accepted