Hoping for some support

DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
Hi Ladies,

Let me start with a quick intro about myself. I'm 5'2" and currently around 118-119 lbs. I work out 4-5 days per week, alternating between jogging, Jillian Michael's interval training, light kettle bell training (also Jillian), and Tracy Anderson mat workout. I eat very well. I do not each junk or fast food, drink soda, fried foods, or candy.

I DO indulge in a glass or two of red wine a couple times during the week. I use my Fitbit to count steps and adjust calories on MFP, and I usually eat between 1200-1600 calories a day, when I am counting. I tend to count less on weekends.

On the note of weekends, sometimes I have 3-4 glasses (4 is rare) on a weekend night if I'm out and having fun with friends or at an event. This is also the time that I let go with eating perfectly. By no means do I gorge on unhealthy food--being "off" for me is like going out to dinner and choosing the best possible menu item, or going to a family dinner and sharing in eating the meal that's been prepared. Again, this is only on the weekend when there is a gathering or occasion.

My goal, and when I feel the most comfortable is around 114-115. I can't seem to do it :-( I feel like I am a healthy, hard working person in terms of fitness, and there just doesn't seem to be a payoff. I feel like I have to be absolutely PERFECT, with no leeway, if I'm ever going to see a change.

I've woken up bloated every day this week and very rarely is my lower stomach actually "flat"--it seems to always be popping out or bloated. I just don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice or experience this too? It's only 4-5 pounds and it feels impossible :neutral_face:


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2015
    Bloat sounds like diet. I eliminated gluten,soy and most of dairy and started eating clean. Its has helped me tremendously. But I have IBS and apparently food intolerances.

    I started getting serious about core exercises and, no weigh loss but my stomach has flattened out.

    You may not see the scale move, but may be dynamically changing fat/muscle mass. Be patient. I'd add a resistance regimine to kick the fat loss too. (If you don't already)
  • Kcaine11
    Kcaine11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi DaniJeanine,
    I am in the same boat. Although taller than you at 5'7'' I struggle so hard to lose my goal of 5-10lbs that I want. I feel so discouraged by the need to eat perfect all of the time especially since I love wine and chocolate... and lets be real, cheese too. But I am starting to think if we wanna see those 5lbs we need to be tracking and following our plans even on those 'cheat' meals/drinks on the weekends. No more cheats if we wanna achieve flat bellies! Elise is right, patience is key!

    PS: Do you use measurements to track your progress? Sometimes I feel bloated or like I've gained weight, but when I check my waist measurment I see encouraging changes! It's just a matter of keeping it up...
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    Hi K--

    I think you're right. Maybe letting go on the weekends just isn't going to cut it, at least not without counting/logging as best we can. I actually don't use measurements, but I do have a tape measure and I've always intended to take measurements. Especially since I was 118 on Saturday and woke up 121 on Sunday!!! It's so variable. The scale is a game of chance when you only have 5 or so to lose.