The dreaded turkey neck

emilymean Posts: 159 Member
Hi, so I'm coming upon 30lbs down since August of last year and plan on losing 10 more over the next year. I haven't been good to my skin, I used to smoke, lay out in the sun with baby oil, you know, the 80's and whoa is me, I'm 43 with the neck of a 60 year old (no offense to 60yo). I don't know what to do other than just live with it. Any ladies have advice on this issue? Recommendations? I use lotion and sunscreen now but it's too late I think.


  • lov2wine
    lov2wine Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I have prominent bands and sagging skin on my neck. The things that really help me are drinking plenty of water and Strivectin Tightening Neck Cream. If you have a product line you like, just look for a tightening, lifting, collagen cream. I hope this helps!
  • emilymean
    emilymean Posts: 159 Member
    It does, thanks for responding. I'll look up that cream on Amazon :)
  • skinnybride48
    skinnybride48 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I also am starting to develop a turkey neck. I am 47 and getting married in September. Anyways, remember Richard Simmons tv show back in the 80'S? He always did this one tilt your head back all the way and then pretend your chewing gum. You can keep your mouth closed and chew or even chew with your mouth open. I hope this helps! I am starting this one myself. #Goodbyeturkeyneck B)
  • emilymean
    emilymean Posts: 159 Member
    Love me some Richard Simmons. I think I will try this too. I wish someone had results though. I think I will try this for 30 days and post results. Congratulations on your impending marriage :)