Post-op RNY New to group

HI everyone!!! My name is Jennifer. I had the RNY on 10/06/14. MY heaviest wt. 381. Day of surgery 370 and my current wt. is 293. Whoever said wls was the easy way out had no idea what they were talking about. It's been a rough road for me but so worth it! I'm looking forward to getting support from you all and well as offering my support to you! :)


  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    WELCOME!! Keep up the great work!
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Welcome, i had mine on 11/20. Keep up the good work. It isnt easy, but i sm finding it easier every week.
  • jennifertrimblemartinez
    Every day gets better for sure. My biggest struggle at this time is getting in enough protein. Some days the new stomach doesn't tolerate much and some days it does. But each new day I shoot for my goal :)
  • JeannieMM19
    Hello, had my revision rny Sept 23rd. I've loss 71lbs. Had lots of complications with staf infections, 4 surgeries and 5 hospital stays. Finally feeling back to normal. Now just trying to get enough protein in daily. Each day I get a little stronger.
  • jennifertrimblemartinez
    Jeannie I had a post op infection in my left side incision. I was put back in the hospital for a week. But thank goodness it wasn't a staph infection. Im happy to hear you are doing better!!! It hard getting in that protein for sure! We can do this!!!!