What is the best way

I've been watching what I eat, but what are the best exercises? Since my weight gain both of my knees are in pain. So it's hard to do anything that I need to bend down for. Has anyone tried anything that helps?


  • TheNicholeLeigh
    If you belong to a gym, there are a few great options for you.

    #1. While your knees still hurt, start swimming. It's the BEST full body exercise for you. If you can't swim, water-walking is great BC it offers resistance BUT it also gives your knees a break due to the buoyancy.
    2. Recumbent bike. Fluid motion and no impact on the knee joint - you'll need to use a moderate level of resistance so you're not wasting your time though.
    3. Elliptical! My personal favorite. Similar fluid motion and no "impact." Start with half an hour at a moderate resistance OR choose a program that will fluctuate in difficulty to keep your body guessing. HUGE calorie burns when you do interval training.

    LIFT. The more muscle you have the more cals you burn per exercise.
  • makendsley
    Thanks :) I'll try that :)