Fighting the desire to eat when tired



  • 2dayucan
    2dayucan Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 2015
    if anyone wants to try the mint or orange pure food grade essential oil on the tongue here is my website not usually giving myself a shameless plug on here lol! just saw the suggestion :)
    Also if you are feeling run down are you getting enough sleep?
  • mae7365
    mae7365 Posts: 66 Member
    I get the "I'm hungry" in the evening when I'm watching TV. I try to save calories for a Special K protein bar when I get the evening munchies. They only have 10 grams of protein in 170 calories, but they don't have the protein aftertaste and remind me more of a candy bar vs. protein bar.
  • idalooses
    idalooses Posts: 30 Member
    I wanted to second/third the anemia thing. I'm pre-op, but if I miss even one day of my iron/B12 supplement I drag and my immediate go-to is wanting to eat more to get energy levels up...
    post op by 18days and haven't been able to get my B12 supplement in and now i feel famished every day!! my go-to is eating everything "legal" that's in my house: SF puddings, cottage cheese, SF jello, soft mashed vegs, etc; i'm getting plenty of protein in by drinking my shakes, and getting plenty fluids in (60-70oz/day); i'm not tired and stay busy around the house all day; i think it is all "head hunger" and i'm finding it hard to cope with that! Any suggestions appreciated! TIA....