2/1 - Week One



  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Roger that, Meandering...thank you for the heads-up.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    jkeyes87 wrote: »
    Day 2 was yesterday. Brought my dog along for the run. It was cold! 17*F! Also my phone died right after I started the cooldown. Maybe one of these times my phone will record my whole workout.

    Jennifer, I'm *so not missing* the cold like that (born & raise in SW Michigan.) I whine with the 38 we got here...for North Florida, that's cold! Good luck with the phone charging...I still have to go through the tutorials for mine. ~sigh~ I dislike being a 'dumb user' with a 'smart phone.' ;)
  • jkeyes87
    Date fixed threads quite regularly fizzle out as people start to deviate from the plan, struggle and/ or lose interest or injure themselves.

    The Daily Check in thread has the critical mass to keep going, and with people at different stages the motivation can help a lot more.

    Thanks for the heads up MM! Maybe everyone is too busy running to come check the message boards B):p
  • runningagainstmyself
    I started yesterday (02/03/15), week 1!
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Congrats, running! Welcome to the uh...fun? The healthy! :smiley:
  • jkeyes87
    Anyone get to D3 yet? Going dancing tonight so D3 for me will be tomorrow.
  • munchkinettes
    munchkinettes Posts: 22 Member
    So excited to find this thread! I just started C25K also - just completed D2 tonight. I was surprised how much better I felt doing D2 than D1... If it gets that much easier every time, I'm set! I think it was just that I knew what to expect and knew I could do it. Started VERY slow, but at least we're doing it, right?!
  • jkeyes87
    So excited to find this thread! I just started C25K also - just completed D2 tonight. I was surprised how much better I felt doing D2 than D1... If it gets that much easier every time, I'm set! I think it was just that I knew what to expect and knew I could do it. Started VERY slow, but at least we're doing it, right?!

    Welcome Munch! You're one step closer!!
  • jkeyes87
    Ok so hubby didn't feel well enough to go dancing tonight so I went for a night run instead. I remembered to bundle up a little more this time and my phone cooperated the entire time! 2.28 miles done! Technically that was D3 for me this week but I actually like 4 run days/week better than 3 so I'll probably do D3 over again on Saturday.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Congrats to Munch for D2...and Jennifer for D3! I was supposed to do D2 today, but alas, the shot I got yesterday afternoon killed my left arm. I know...I know...I don't need my arm to run, but I do need to not be in absolute (wimpy) pain to run effectively.

    So, all that being said, I'm just going to do D1 again tomorrow...and start anew on Monday with D1 as well. I hope it's still okay to cheer y'all on though ('cause I'm going to even if it's sort-of weird...heh. ;) )
  • jkeyes87
    LyssaJ1 wrote: »
    Congrats to Munch for D2...and Jennifer for D3! I was supposed to do D2 today, but alas, the shot I got yesterday afternoon killed my left arm. I know...I know...I don't need my arm to run, but I do need to not be in absolute (wimpy) pain to run effectively.

    So, all that being said, I'm just going to do D1 again tomorrow...and start anew on Monday with D1 as well. I hope it's still okay to cheer y'all on though ('cause I'm going to even if it's sort-of weird...heh. ;) )

    Stick around for as long as you want Lyssa!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job everyone! I love seeing people progress through c25k!
    jkeyes87 wrote: »
    Ok so hubby didn't feel well enough to go dancing tonight so I went for a night run instead. I remembered to bundle up a little more this time and my phone cooperated the entire time! 2.28 miles done! Technically that was D3 for me this week but I actually like 4 run days/week better than 3 so I'll probably do D3 over again on Saturday.

    When I started c25k, I ran every other day- M W F Su T Th Sa, repeat- moving forward in the program with each run. You could probably move on to the next week if you wanted to.
  • jkeyes87
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Great job everyone! I love seeing people progress through c25k!
    jkeyes87 wrote: »
    Ok so hubby didn't feel well enough to go dancing tonight so I went for a night run instead. I remembered to bundle up a little more this time and my phone cooperated the entire time! 2.28 miles done! Technically that was D3 for me this week but I actually like 4 run days/week better than 3 so I'll probably do D3 over again on Saturday.

    When I started c25k, I ran every other day- M W F Su T Th Sa, repeat- moving forward in the program with each run. You could probably move on to the next week if you wanted to.

    I thought about that for the earlier weeks. The last time I did c25k I was in less shape and needed the extra running day. I haven't fully decided what to do. Maybe I'll make it a long run and keep the W1 schedule but go longer. Thanks for the tip!
  • kookykrazee
    kookykrazee Posts: 23 Member
    I am looking for people who are possibly starting tomorrow (2/8) or Monday 2/9. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Okay, I had to be the joker of the group. But, seriously, looking for people to connect with. Even cooler, if you are in the Seattle area :)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I am looking for people who are possibly starting tomorrow (2/8) or Monday 2/9. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Okay, I had to be the joker of the group. But, seriously, looking for people to connect with. Even cooler, if you are in the Seattle area :)

    Jump into the daily thread! While someone might start on the same day, I guarantee you that nobody will finish the programme on the same day as you do.

    Life happens and already during the first week people will drift into their own progress rhythm. The daily thread offers support by and for everyone no matter what week you're working on.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    I am looking for people who are possibly starting tomorrow (2/8) or Monday 2/9. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Okay, I had to be the joker of the group. But, seriously, looking for people to connect with. Even cooler, if you are in the Seattle area :)

    Although I'm just about diagonally opposite in the U.S. (Tallahassee, Florida) I'll be re-starting tomorrow. This past week was an absolute wash.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Jennifer (and anyone else)...how goes it?
  • jkeyes87
    Snow. Snow. Snow. Haven't started W2 yet. We'e been getting blasted with snow all week here in New England. More snow on Thursday too.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    Jennifer, just stay safe, okay? And warm...warm would be good too!