What made you decide to change?

When i looked into my wife's eyes, I realized if i keep going down this path i could lose years of my life. Years i want with her. My family is what made me decide to change.


  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I just want to stay awesome as I age. I see so many of my peers letting themselves go and falling apart. I gotta keep it together. (*)
  • lennonluvr
    lennonluvr Posts: 31 Member
    You know this is totally going to sound vain and horrible. I want to be sexy. I want to be able to wear a sleeveless shirt and not feel as if the world is staring at my arms. I want to wear a bathing suit and not feel uncomfortable.
  • dragyou
    dragyou Posts: 83 Member
    In my case it was health.. I was border line type 2 diabetes.. I been eating healthier and have it under control
  • josalee2014
    josalee2014 Posts: 4 Member
    My mirror doesn't lie and my clothes are so tight. Also I have a hard time breathing.
  • I can't get in front of my crew and tell them they need to be on shape when I am obviously overweight myself. Another thing Thursday hit me was when I went to see the doctor and the slip that was given to me said obese. I knew I ed getting bigger but that put a more realistic word to how I have let myself go. A week later I got a call about my blood test and am one point away from prediabetic. It's time to change and look good and feel good.