Feb 2015 Challenge ~ Feb 2nd - Feb 8th

cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
I borrowed this from Shane Barnard JD, NASM, ACE, AFAA, & USATF Certified.

The Workout

For each pair of exercises, complete the two moves back to back, for 30 seconds each without rest. After 1 minute of “best effort” activity, take a 15 second break to recover before starting the next pair exercises. Complete the entire series of exercises listed, and then repeat the sequence from the top one more time.

Jog/High Knees Jog in place for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Lift your knees as high as possible.

Squats — push your hips back, keep the spine neutral and put your weight in your heels. Return to standing, and repeat for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Add a jump, landing safely in a squat with triple flexion of hips, knees and ankles.

** 15-second recovery

Speed Skaters Step side to side in a lateral movement for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Add jump, as if you were jumping to the side over a puddle.

Standing Reverse Lunges Stand with your shoulders over your hips and extend one leg back into a lunge. Return to neutral stance and switch legs. Repeat for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Start in a split stance lunge and jump to switch legs in the air, landing softly in a lunge with opposite leg forward.

** 15-second recovery

Jumping Jacks Do jumping jacks for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Instead of jumping out with feet on the ground, jump up and reach legs and arms out into a big “X” shaped star jump. Land softly with flexion of hips, knees and ankles.

Quick Feet/Football Stance Stand with your legs in a wide stance, with feet wider than shoulders and knees soft. As quickly as you can, jog with low amplitude (no high knees!), keeping your upper body stable as your feet move quickly for 30 seconds.

** 15-second recovery

Mountain Climbers Start in a plank position with a neutral spine, your hands underneath your shoulders, and belly button pulled in towards your spine. Then pull your right knee underneath you towards your right elbow, maintaining stability in your upper body shoulders and a neutral spine. Switch legs and repeat for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Pick up the pace!

Superman Lying face-down in a prone position, squeeze your glutes and lift your legs and shoulders off the floor, keeping soft elbows and supporting your head with your hands in front of your forehead. Release back down to the floor, and repeat the movements for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Extend your arms to lengthen the lever.

** 15-second recovery

Push-Ups Start on your knees or toes with your hands just outside your shoulders. Drop your body towards the floor and maintain a neutral spine as you press back up. Repeat for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: After each press up, tap your right hand to your left shoulder and your left hand to your right shoulder.

Plank Place hands below your shoulders, squeeze your glutes and keep your spine neutral. Hold for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Same position as a traditional plank, but add your legs hopping side to side.

** 15-second recovery

Windshield-Wiper Abs Start by lying on your back (supine position) with your arms out in a “T,” and bring your knees up to a 90-degree angle. Keeping knees together and soft, drop your knees towards your right side, bring them back to center, and then drop them to the left, engaging your core for trunk stability. Repeat for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: Straighten and extend your legs to lengthen the lever.

Hip Thrusters Lie on your back in supine position with your hands at your sides. Lift your legs up, and push your hips up towards the ceiling as if you were going to touch the ceiling with your toes. Making sure to pull your belly button in as you thrust your hips up. Then, allow yourself to roll up to a seated position. Repeat for 30 seconds. Increase the intensity: As you roll up, continue to a standing hop and repeat.

** 15-second recovery

After completing two sets, cool down with easy movement like walking and static stretches—and you’re done!

You can easily reduce the intensity of the workout by slowing your pace, increasing the recovery to 30 seconds, or by completing the full series once.

I like the different options she gives you. Let me know what you think.

Have a great week, ladies!



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Sorry...nothing tonight. Editing paper for DD. She's still under the weather. Gym cancelled until next Monday. I plan on walking or getting our challenge done tomorrow.

    I hope you all have a great Tuesday.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    edited February 2015
    Nothing for me either today, Chris. My arms have been hurting terribly nicely all day from yesterday's hefting clay pots and soil bags & planting bulbs. Felt like the muscles tore down. Now they need to grow back stronger. So much needed rest day for me.

    'Night. Sweet dreams, as the countdown continues.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    bwahahaah! :D in 57 days I will wake up a retiree!! tra la la la la... :p
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Hello ladies :)

    Paula it sounds like you had quite the productive workout ;)

    Completed over 12k steps today with some Kettlebells and abs. Have to meet the furnace man tomorrow so he can get our heat back up and running, Brrrr........ Luckily we have a gas fireplace that keeps the house cozy.

    Stay warm

  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hiya! I got in my run today. Did 3 miles and I had my daughter in my stroller. It's been at least a month since the last time I ran with her. I thought I was dying lol. But somehow made it. That's about it for today.
    Lynnette no heat! Yikes. Fireplaces can be really nice though.
    Chris I hooe your DD is feeling better soon :-(
    Paula that is such a great feeling! Hope you got plenty of rest :-)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    edited February 2015
    Chris I love the mountain climbers and the, gulp, rests! Muahaha

    Paula I agree, gardening is a workout. Let me know how it turns out. ;)

    Lynette I sure hope it is not to big a bill. But I so hate being cold. :#

    Kat you go. Now take your vitamins and get your rest. o:)

    Chris love the count down. :D

    Did my presentation tonight. That is why I have been absent. Finalizing it. It went well. I saw lots of note taking so at least I know they were interested. And lots of questions were asked.

    Kathy I have had a rough week also. I am appreciative of your positive quote. Thanks


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lynnette, When you said "no furnace" I imagined parkas and mukluks. :dizzy_face: Thank goodness you have a fireplace! :disappointed_relieved:

    Kat, I like to take my babe in a stroller when I walk. Gets lots of stares. People aren't used to seeing a cat going for a walk. :laugh:

    Shelley, Congratulations on your presentation! Bet you had them on the edge of their seats! :heart_eyes:

    Chris, I'm jealous! If you miss it, you can come to Half Moon Bay & I'll let you hang out! :noway:

    Kathy, Your quotes are such great inspirations! But it cracks me up that the new one cuts off right where it says we'll succ! Hope life gets better. :awesome:

    Got my mini-workout tonight. Used 10# weights & they hurt! :bigsmile:

    Best to all, :flowerforyou:
  • lcarls71
    lcarls71 Posts: 320 Member
    Kat we were praising the fireplace Gods ;) I am ready to get a run in when this weather breaks. So slushy and icy that I am not willing to do it now.

    Shelley glad your presentation went well. That must be a relief that it is over now. I know I would be a wreck.

    Chris my countdown is a bit longer than yours :'( I still have 1196 weeks :'(

    Paula I would have gone to my momma's before I sat here in a parka and mukluks lol. That so funny that you take your cat. My DD wants to harness train her big cat but the last time we tried to even put a collar on him he had a kitty anxiety attack. Poor thing couldn't get away from the bell sound. It freaked him out so bad he laid in one spot and wouldn't move, not even to use his litter box :o you could see the relief on his face when I took that collar off him.

    Managed to get all my steps done but took a rest from the challenge. Furnace is all better now so we are nice and toasty tonight. Time to relax.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Lynette so glad all is warm again. I lived in Spokane when they had an ice storm. It was really bad. Kind of like being in a movie. That is some count down. Mine is something like 10 years! I have a friend who walks her two Siamese in a pet stroller. And yes I am glad the presentation is over. B)

    Paula my friend would love walking her kits with yours! :) Nice to see you are pushing yourself again. :D

    Got in our mini workout today. WOOHOO. Hubby is going to call and place my aquarium order this Friday. I am pretty sure I have it ironed out. o:)


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Shelley Congrats! getting your presentation done! I'm so happy you're getting your aquarium! What fun for you!!!!

    Lynnette I love your countdown...shoot...that's only 8,372 days or 200,928 hours or 12,055,680 minutes... :p We have a gas fireplace too. I think we've used it once in 2 1/2 years. I'm glad your furnace is fixed. We are supposed to get hard rain on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. That's supposed to make up for no rain at all in January. Yeah, well, we'll see...

    Paula...Half Moon Bay, huh? Sounds like fun!

    Kat good job on your running.

    Editing papers...egad!...no workout...no walking.

    I was going to freak out at work because no one is listening to me but then I decided that I've given them fair warning so...

    55 days!

    DD is feeling much better, now SIL has the cooties! Ain't that the way of it??

    More pages tomorrow. See you then.


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Chris, Envision a walk along the bluffs :bigsmile: lunch outside at Sam's, Bean at our feet. Oops, just remembered a walker in my near future. :noway: #dream_goes_POP

    Shelley, Are you going to keep the old aquariums too? Magical worlds. Lucky fishie-kids.

    Rest day today, halfway to snoozeville - heading down, down, downnn...

    Sleepy :yawn: Paula :yawn:
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Have been super busy but have been doing my Couch 2K on the gym treadmill and I have been lifting my weights! Yay! Have tomorrow off so I'll visit more then.
    Have a great Thursday everyone!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    More editing. Tomorrow too, but then I may be finished for a while. I may get to walk Bean if the sun is still up and it isn't raining!

    Packed up some of my stuff at work. Almost 10 years of stuff...oh, man...working on box #3. Talked with the Chancellor this morning. She was surprised but was very happy for us. I got a lot done today.

    Headed for my pillow now. Have a great Friday, everyone!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Smacking forehead, really Chris, that countdown is mind blowing! :D Lol. And thank you, it was a great feeling completing the presentation. :p Passing cooties, egads. There were four kids in my family, yep passing cooties. Lol. Hope they get well soon. Hang in there, 55 days.

    Paula I am not sure how long I will keep the 65 gallon tank. I will dismantle the quarantine tank though. Nothing drastic until the new tank is cycled though. Love your dream, but I did not see me in your dream. :'(

    Happy running Clara, so proud of you. <3

    Got in some treadmill on an incline today. Looks like I am buying a small fridge this weekend. Hubby just does not like my worms! Lol :s It could be awhile for me to get my tank since I want a couple of custom changes made to the stand. But I am willing to wait to get it right. o:)


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    edited February 2015
    Paula Love your dream, but I did not see me in your dream. :'(

    Shelley, Does that mean you're coming to the SF Bay area? Yup, yup, yuppity yup yup?!? Open invitation always! Key to the city!! Welcome mats galore!!! :laugh: happy happy happy happy dream!!!

    I'm out of work for three months and Chris is going to have nothing to do! All yours to do with as you wish! :bigsmile:

    I had an extra 15 minutes before leaving for work this morning, so did pushups till my arms hurt. Went to a new brew-pub w/coworkers tonight. Super nice. I had root beer. hee hee o:)

    When my child Maynard frees up my lap I will do tonight's workout.

    Nobody's won Powerball yet - what's it up to? $300M or more? Still ours for the taking. Looking forward to hangin' w/my girls!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    If we win the power ball I will so come play with you two. And send all expense paid tickets to the rest of the group. It would be glorious. And with 300 million I could retire with Chris. And we could all have personal trainers for the rest of our lives. :D But we have mega millions, and it is no where near that. But still enough to retire, visit and get personal trainers for us all.

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Sorry posted this last night to last week's thread by mistake. How tired was I? :D

    I worked at home today, so I used half of my lunch hour to walk at the park and completed the challenge x1 the other half. This evening I had a 90 minute tennis practice and boy was it cold.

    I decided I needed to push myself and step up the exercise. I'm not doing enough.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    Kathy, if a 90 minute tennis (think running and arm lifts) is not "doing enough" you must be a monster :bigsmile: in a good way!

    I bumped my head while doing wall-push-ups. Ouch!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Got off at 10:30...picked up Bean...edited some pages then got 20.0 miles done on the recumbent while watching two episodes of "Justified." Have some more pages to edit...must go now.

    We have Power ball going at work...keep your fingers crossed!

    Hope you all had a great Friday.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    edited February 2015
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    Kathy, if a 90 minute tennis (think running and arm lifts) is not "doing enough" you must be a monster :bigsmile: in a good way!

    I bumped my head while doing wall-push-ups. Ouch!


    Muahaha, I am laughing with you! Bumped your head doing wall pushups! o:)

    Kathy I agree with Paula. You are a monster. I think you just need to find something you love to do on the days you do not do tennis. Then you would feel more accomplished. :D

    Chris I was wondering what happened to that bike! Nice going!

    I went out to a nice steak house tonight. We were celebrating our mortgage being paid off and ordering my tank. That was not a complete success though. They did not answer their phone! So hubby left a message. :'(


  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Thank you ladies but I need more consistency and more steps. I will get there. Completed the challenge x2. I have a lot going on this weekend...my youngest godson's 1st birthday party on Sat, my other godson' s basketball game also on Sat and a family dinner at my parent's on Sunday. I'm tired already :D

    The weather I'd going to be in the 60s in Georgia this weekend so hopefully I can find time to get tennis and a walk in with all these things going on.

    Paula "bumped your head doing wall sit-ups" too funny.

    Chris - I must get a Power Ball ticket myself today. I never think about it until it gets high.

    Shelley congrats on paying off the mortgage...that must be a great feeling...and congrats on the new tank...I can hear the excitement in your posts. :)

    Have a great weekend ladies!


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    edited February 2015
    Chris, They're doing PowerBall in my office too! Joke is "good news = lots of new positions; bad news = nobody to train them". I'm buying mine separately hope-a-hope-a-hope-a-hope Win Big!

    Shelley, Congratulations on (1) no mortgage! and (2) new tank! So exciting, both are!!!

    Kat / Clara / Lynnette, what's up! Love to hear stories even if it isn't a workout story!

    Kathy, Hope you enjoy the good weather. Sounds delightful. It's pouring rain here and since we're in a serious drought, it's absolutely thrilling!

    My workout today is hefting 50# of cats (1 = 14# 2 = 16+#) to the vets. Then do taxes, prepare quarterly financial reports, get contractor started on house, and squeeze in some reps.

    Fondly yours,
  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm here! Lol. Got in a run today just 3 miles. Felt good to get out. I've been so lazy! Lol. I wanted to run yesterday but went to lunch instead. I have a hard time passing up a free meal lol. Plus I got to see my nana. Win win. o:)

    Kathy I know what you mean. I don't feel like I do enough but you do more then me!

    Chris 20 miles that's awesome. :-)

    Shelley congrats! That stinks they didn't pick up I hope they get back to you soon!

    Paula I'm not going to ask how you hit your head lol. That sounds like some workout you have lined up.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    Kathy we all would love to be more consistent. But need a good fit. You do tennis. Awesome. But need a good fit for the other days. You need some strength training to go with that awesome cardio. B) Yes paying off the mortgage is a great feeling. And part of the reason I waited to get the new tank. Putting part of the mortgage aside for tank issues. And the rest aside for insurance, taxes and retirement. I want to retire someday like Chris. If you were to win the power ball you could retire in style! :D

    Paula we will need pictures. I know there will be an awesome view. Now take care of them kitties. o:) Because you know I will have new pictures of the tank when I finally get it here. :wink:

    Kat, right huh? I waited all week to have hubby call on his day off. And then they were to busy to make a sale! :s He did place most of it. Even paid almost $2,000 on it. It is driving me crazy! But we need to paint and beef up the floor still. But honestly, answer your phone people! And lunch with nana is a huge win over a run. <3

    Ok, off to uncluttering some magazines. Going to get rid of at least a bag/box of clutter each week. Making room for the tank and its supplies. :) I did walk the boys today also.


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Shelley, Congrats on getting your house paid off!! Cool stuff! Sorry the fish guys can't seem to pick up their phone. I'm going to unclutter the garage as soon as we are both home!

    Paula...they are called wall sits not head hits...pay attention now. :p

    Kat good job on your run.

    Kathy excellent job on the challenge!

    We walked w/Bean this morning and got rained on!! It was pretty fun until we got too wet...came home...dried the pup off...started my workout then the sun shows up! It poured on and off all day!! I got 13.19 miles done between outside and inside. I have to get my steps back up there. Fell behind helping DD with her paper.

    We have Bean for a puppy sleep-over. The kids are in Carmel today and tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    A mini challenge. Get rid of some clutter! WOOHOO Chris love the idea. Who else wants to get rid of some clutter?

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    I've got another kitchen table full. What's our timeline?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,999 Member
    No real time line, just a bag or box a week gone. That way it is realistic. I am going to dump a drawer today. Maybe two or three. I will easily get rid of that much clutter. I have a couple of photo albums I have never put anything into. Got them 30 years ago! No more I might use them some day. Start on that table my friend!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,325 Member
    Getting rid of clutter sounds awesome...count me in. I did my closet last month...my youngest sister came over and as she says "did some shopping at Macy's" :)

    I think I'm going upstairs to the bonus room to organize and de clutter. Loads of stuff to get rid of up there. My project for the next couple of weeks.

    Headed to my parents home...75 miles each way. Yet we born live in metropolitan Atlanta. :D Have a great Sunday!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Clutter Challenge accepted...I have a ton of magazines that need to be recycled. They fill up the bookcase that sits under the end of the counter. Over-flow is the correct word there. And, because the bookcase is full, I have to stack any new magazines on the counter next to my computer. Egad!!!
